Dexter laying on another book. This guy is too funny.📖🐶
Dexter laying on another book. This guy is too funny.📖🐶
1. Yes. I am the type of person who has a plan A, plan B and plan C. I make lists, maps, schedules, etc.
2. I am currently rereading a book from childhood called Tallahassee Higgins. This book is filled with things not going how Tallahassee planned.
A cute and complex story of woman finding her family and place in the world (with a lot of magic thrown in) my first #readyourkindle book for this month is completed.
A straightforward revenge thriller featuring a cast of vampires known as Rovers. I do love vampire tales and this is a pick only because it was easy to read and some of the characters were sympathetic, but it certainly wasn‘t the best story about blood suckers I have ever read. #bookspin for March
I‘m posting one book a day from my massive collection. No description, no reason for why I want to read it (some I‘ve had so long I don‘t even remember why!). Feel free to join in!
Liked the story and how it ended. A relationship is something to work on if you‘re into it, let it go if you‘re not on the same page.
I highly enjoyed this spooky supernatural police case. However, I did not care for the multiple typos and formatting mistakes.