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JamieArc I will be finishing this later today - really enjoying it. 2w
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Of Poseidon | Anna Banks
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I read this book for a Readathon I was participating and it was an opportunity to read an old book in my tbr. That means I was in the summer mood and found it okay. However, this is a quite typical mermaid story with a YA cheesy romance with a not so easy male protagonist. I found Galen likes to control others, what happen with these male characters? But I liked the world and plot in general. There were sad parts 2.9/3⭐️

Gissy (Cont.) at the end of each book in this trilogy, you will find an interview with the author. She made some negative comments about Stephanie Meyer indicating that if “...Meyer can write a book, then you (author) can”. Does she think that her trilogy is superior to The Teilight Saga?😳A. Banks, your trilogy is not superior, I found it almost in the same line: YA cheesy regular, reading that we decided to read. Who this author think she is? 😐 1mo
DieAReader 🥳Great finish! 1mo
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TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 1mo
Suet624 It sure seems like a negative thing to say about a fellow author! 1mo
Gissy @Suet624 Yes, she said is conscious of her comment because she added “...One day, Stephanie Meyer is going to give me a bloody nose....Could you come at me from the right side?...”😳Violent too. Definitely she thinks her books are a master piece😐🤷🏽‍♀️ 1mo
Suet624 Wow!! 1mo
Gissy GR challenge 52 books AroundTheYear #ATY2024 promot #28 (related to sea) 6d
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Miss Benson's Beetle | Rachel Joyce
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This was okay. This woman goes in a journey to find the golden beetle which at the end is a way to discover herself. Characters and situations seem not realistic and situations were ridiculous. You still have some funny parts and quotes to think about but in general not a great story for me. The gifts in this box were neither great or practical. 3⭐️

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 1mo
Gissy March 2024 #BuzzWord (name of the character on cover) @Bookandlala

GR 52 books AroundTheYear2024 #ATY2024 prompt #33 (involving travel)
(edited) 6d
Gissy YouTuber #SavidgeReadingPrompts2024 prompt (August but I‘m just following the prompts not necessarily in the same order) Miss on the title 5d
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Glory in Death | Nora Roberts, J. D. Robb
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Book read in July🤷🏽‍♀️In this series , I have different editions😬
Answering questions made in #InDeathLong Reading #IDLR (6 months ago😳) I‘m like @TheAromaOfBooks I knew who he did it but that happened close when author revealed who was it. There were clues in that interview with him. I liked this book better it was a fast pace but I still think Roarke likes to control, is pushy and manipulative😐I don‘t how open is their relationship⬇️

Gissy (Cont.) This is a long series, so let‘s see how that relationship will end. 3.8⭐️

July 2024 #Book1
#ReadAway2024 @DieAReader @Andrew65 @Ghabi4Roses
#BookSpinBingo (#2) Buddyread #InDeathLongReadathon #IDLR @Staycurious #ISpyBingo (blonde) @TheAromaOfBooks
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! I am liking Roarke better as the series goes along. He's still very pushy, but I think he feels like if he doesn't make Eve take care of herself, she just won't. However, she survived without him up until this point soooo 😂 1mo
DieAReader 🥳Great 1mo
Gissy GR challenge 52 books AroundTheYear #ATY2024 prompt #37 (part of the series) 6d
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