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The Mercies | Kiran Millwood Hargrave
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I couldn‘t choose just five so I went with six! 😆 but going back over my reads, it‘s actually been a pretty good reading year. 👍 #5starreads2020

mjtwo How I love Wide Sargasso Sea - the book that allowed me to see Jane Eyre, and indeed canonic literature in general, in a completely different light and to consider the voices that all too often go unheard. (edited) 4y
TrishB Great choices 😁👍🏻 4y
Caroline2 @mjtwo Me too!! I loved it more than Jane Eyre!!! 😆 4y
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Chrissyreadit @mjtwo @Caroline2 Yes! The Wide Saragossa Sea is one of my all time favorite books- although it‘s been many years since I read it❤️🙌👏 4y
Chrissyreadit I just added The Corset to my TBR! Thank you for sharing!!! 4y
Caroline2 @Chrissyreadit It‘s a great read. 😃 4y
Gogobooks Fan of WSS also. Cover looks gorgeous too. Very attracted by the Norwegian witch book too. Saw it in NYT best fiction list.🧙🏼 3y
Caroline2 @Gogobooks The Mercies is really good but I‘d say it‘s more a witch trials (men lording it over poor women 🙄) than a proper witchy book. 3y
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I am very meticulous and demanding with my star ratings. A book has to be very special to earn a 5-star rating from me. Some years I don‘t give out any 5-star ratings. This year I had three. These are the ones that met my high standards this year.

S3V3N I loved Long Way Down! 4y
arubabookwoman Fall and Rise was 5 ⭐️ for me too. 4y
Amiable @BeaG I don‘t normally read YA but this was so highly recommended that I decide to give it a go on audio. So glad I did! 4y
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Amiable @arubabookwoman It was so well done. I also gave 5 stars to “The Only Plane in the Sky” when I read that in 2019. 4y
arubabookwoman I was wondering about The Only Plane in the Sky-whether it would be worthwhile to read after Fall and Rise. I think I will look for it to read if it is as good as Fall and Rise. 4y
Amiable @arubabookwoman They are equally good, just written in different ways. One (as you know) is oral narratives pieced together in chronological order. The other is straight narrative nonfiction. They pair off each other perfectly. 4y
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Despite my abysmal Nov reading stats, this has been a stellar reading year. 12 5⭐️s + many more 4⭐️s. And this doesn‘t include the 5⭐️ rereads I did, like the Jane Austens, The Graveyard Book, & The Belgariad.

I was surprised at how many NF I truly enjoyed this year. But my favorite fave, by a smidgen, might be the tagged. I listened to the audiobook & loved it so much, I gave away 5 copies, & then bought the hardback version.

jb72 I‘ve heard such good things about that book. I‘ll have to see if my library has it. 4y
DGRachel @jb72 Oh, please do. It‘s my favorite book ever. I own it on hardcover, ebook, and audiobook, and I‘ve gifted copies in all three formats. It‘s wonderful. 💖 4y
Chrissyreadit Ok- I‘m definitely getting it on audio this month, easy decision since Clanlands isn‘t available on libro yet. If I do not get it in a swap I will buy it in January - I feel like I must gift this to a friend of mine too based on so many rave reviews. 4y
Chrissyreadit I love that Leia is a five star read- I loved Star Wars books all through college and would love to revisit the Galaxy. 4y
wanderinglynn @Chrissyreadit I absolutely love Cerulean Sea. 💙 And Leia was a fabulous story. I haven‘t read hardly any of the Star Wars books (mainly being daunted on where to start and which ones to read), but Leia was fabulous. 4y
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Not my final edit - but here are just some of my #5starreads2020. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

AmyG Ooooo, I have to get to Say Nothing this year. Nice list! 4y
Chrissyreadit I have three of those books! My mom loved The Vanishing Half also- but now I‘m stacking The Fair Fight... one thing I have loved about this is that some books show up on Many lists so must be amazing. 4y
Mitch @Chrissyreadit The Fair Fight is the one i'm telling everyone to read! its immersive story telling - full of historical quirks and great characters! 4y
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Chrissyreadit @Mitch def sounds like a book I need in my life! I may just buy it. 4y
eraderneely I almost put The Fair Fight on my list after your review, but then saw the page count and I slowly backed away. Now is not the time in my life for long books 🤷🏻‍♀️ 4y
Mitch @eraderneely it‘s one of those books with lots of pages but flys past! 4y
mommyincolortv I read The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett. I liked it, but didn't love it as I had anticipated. 4y
kyraa The silence of the girls was great I loved it 4y
Mitch @kyraa me to! This was a gift from @amyg and I‘m not sure I would have discovered it on my own. 3y
Mitch @mommyincolor have you read Mothers?? I‘m going to try that one too 🤞🏼 3y
AmyG Stacked The Fair Fight. We tend to like the same books and if you say to read it....stacked! I am so happy you loved The Silence of the Girls, too. ❤️ 3y
mommyincolortv @Mitch No, I have not. But I did add The Fair Fight to my TBR list. I'll add Mothers as well. 3y
CBee @Mitch I‘m reading The Mothers right now and it is excellent 👍🏻👍🏻 3y
Mitch @CBee I‘m sure to like it then! My Indie has it on order! 👍🏼 3y
CBee @Mitch I ordered The Fair Fight last night 😁😂 3y
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Migrations: A Novel | Charlotte McConaghy
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So many amazing books read this year - Migrations is my favorite, followed by Beasts (a very close 2nd). I read the entire Lunar Chronicles and the whole Saga series - both incredible! #5StarReads2020 @Chrissyreadit

Mitch I have Beasts on my shelf - you‘ve inspired me to get it closer to being read! 👍🏼 4y
CBee @Mitch yes! Read it! It‘s a beauty of a book. Have you read Migrations? That one rocked my world ♥️ 4y
Mitch @CBee I haven‘t ! I saw you and @amyg loving it - and that‘s a sure sign I will too. 4y
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CBee @Mitch yep, I recommended it to her, and she ended up loving it as much as I did, and it went from there 😁 I‘ve been recommending it left and right! I may have mentioned it in my latest card to you 😂 mailing that out tomorrow ♥️ (edited) 4y
AmyG A Little Life and Migrations in one year? 🙌🏻❤️ Yes, Mitch...Migrations is all sorts of beautiful...a great read. 4y
Chrissyreadit I downloaded migrations a few days ago because so many Littens love it! 4y
CBee @AmyG I know, right? You and me and our love of damaged characters ♥️ 4y
CBee @Chrissyreadit I hope you love it! ♥️ 4y
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@Chrissyreadit had a great idea to share your 5⭐️ reads for the year. These are mine... #5starreads2020

Northanger Abbey | Jane Austen
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Here are my #5StarReads2020 ✨So many of the wonderful books on this list I read because of Litsy.

Northanger Abbey replaces P&P as my new favorite Austen book #PemberLittens
The first three are from last year‘s #NewYearWhoDis list by @4thhouseontheleft - can‘t wait to see what list I get this year! This is basically my list.
Binti was a gift from the lovely @MaleficentBookDragon for the #JolabokaflodSwap
Rumble was a #lgp2e read @Peddler410

Chrissyreadit I love your list! And so many of those are on my IRL TBR. I can‘t wait to be done with school and read more. 4y
sprainedbrain I love that NA replaced P&P! 🥰🥰🥰 4y
alisiakae 🙌🏽🙌🏽😍 Great 5⭐️ list! I read Good Talk this year and it will be in my list too! (edited) 4y
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MeganAnn @Chrissyreadit many of yours were on my TBR as well! 4y
MeganAnn @sprainedbrain I completely identified with Catherine. She sort of reminds me of myself when I was young... raised in a small town with a close knit family, loves to read, believes the best of people, and naive about the rest of the world but ready to venture out into it. I very much was like her when I left home for college.❤️ We will see if my opinion changes after read the rest of Austen‘s novels. 4y
MeganAnn @4thhouseontheleft I‘m so happy to see that! It was fantastic! 😍 4y
Peddler410 I‘m so glad you liked Rumble 😊 I have Liar, Temptress, Soldier, Spy on my shelf — it‘s been there awhile, probably because of Litsy — and almost ended up in the weed pile. 4y
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The Sun Down Motel | Simone St. James
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Here are my #5starreads2020 Considering I‘ve read 25 this year so far, that‘s pretty decent odds. Hoping I‘ll get at least one more 5 star by the end of the year.

Chrissyreadit Yes The Martian! Two of them are on my IRL TBR too! Thank you for sharing! 4y
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The Book Jumper | Mechthild Glaser
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These are my #5starreads2020 so far. I have more than I thought I did, but the first 3 are rereads. @Chrissyreadit I still have more reading in December, so hopefully I‘ll end up with another one.

Chrissyreadit You have books on there I love with my whole heart! Animal Dreams! A Tree Grows In Brooklyn! And A Year Of Biblical Womanhood! Rachel Held Evans loss was significant! Thank you for sharing! 4y
Amiable I adore “A Tree Grows in Brooklyn” —an all-time fav. And I agree about “The Only Plane in the Sky”—such an amazing, sobering read. It truly gutted me. (edited) 4y
Scochrane26 @Amiable I can‘t say I loved The Only Plane or want to listen to it again, but it‘s so well done that I had to give it 5 stars. Gut wrenching in parts. 4y
Amiable @Scochrane26 The way it was written was so compelling, I agree. I actually felt sick to my stomach while reading it because I felt like I was reliving the day all over again. 4y
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Here are 20 of my #5StarReads2020. It was hard to narrow it down because I‘ve read so many excellent books this year. Thanks for the tag, @zezeki 😁

Tagging some Littens in case you would also like to share your five star reads! @Nute @Johanna414 @MyNamesParadise @readordierachel @violabrain @valeriegeary @Hestapleton @Jess @Curiouser_and_curiouser

Chrissyreadit I have several of those on my IRL TBR- thank you for sharing- I love seeing your top reads! 4y
readordierachel Beloved is on my list too ❤ Thanks for the tag! 4y
violabrain I‘ve read about half of these and I agree they are outstanding reads! I will have to put the others on my TBR! Thank you for the recommendations! 4y
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Thousand-Lives @violabrain You‘re welcome! I hope you find some you enjoy! 😁 4y
Nute You read some awesome books! We have similar taste on several selections for top reads. Some of these shared selections have actually moved to my All-time Favorites List! Thanks for the tag! 4y
Thousand-Lives @Nute You‘re welcome! Love hearing others share my favorite books! 🙂 4y
MyNamesParadise Thanks for the tag! I actually haven‘t rated any books as 5 stars this year. I‘ve really enjoyed plenty of books, but not anything that completely blew me away. I‘ve given a lot of 4.5 stars lol. 4y
Thousand-Lives @MyNamesParadise You‘re welcome. I understand! I tend to be overly generous with my stars. 🤣 4y
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