Listening to audiobook tonight ... instead of reading. It‘s amazing what I pick up hearing that doesn‘t connect when I read it the first time. #5SecondRule
Listening to audiobook tonight ... instead of reading. It‘s amazing what I pick up hearing that doesn‘t connect when I read it the first time. #5SecondRule
Hmmm which to choose - Kindle ebook? Audiobook? I can‘t choose the hardback because I loaned it out. That‘s how much I love this book! It really seems so simple - but it has gone a long way to help me deal with my tendencies to self-sabotage! I‘ve reset them for March! I have a few books that I re-read thru the year and this is one of them! #marchbooks #marchtbr #5SecondRule
Photo in pic is of me in Ruidoso, NM on vacation in February!