My #2017bestnine from instagram!!
Final Stats!
I'm aware that most of my goals were very small this year. But that means there's more room for improvement! And I don't actually feel bad about skipping nonfiction entirely, given how reality was an utter dumpster fire anyway. Also, if you're interested in seeing what my faves were, check out my #2017bestnine post ☺️. How was your reading year, y'all? #bujo #2017readingstats #myyearinbooks
#2017bestnine: #bookish edition ✨
Holler if ya see any mutual faves!
My instagram #2017bestnine features some of my favourite reads this year (but definitely not all of them) and also Penelope my photogenic cat 😻
#2017bestnine of course every one of my top 9 Instagram pictures have to do with books. The life of an introverted bookworm.
Boo and books - yep, that sums up 2017 for me! Happy New Year everyone!
#2017bestnine #bestnine #happynewyear
#2017bestnine This is based on my Instagram account but that platform is driving me nuts with constant ads and posts not being in chronological order. So I'm going to make an effect to be active here.