Even if you‘re not particularly an artistic or creative person, this book is pretty empowering and motivating! #100in19
Even if you‘re not particularly an artistic or creative person, this book is pretty empowering and motivating! #100in19
Ahhh! 😍My love for Lauren Graham is never ending! I just finished up this book version of her commencement speech and loved it! #100in19
The illustrations in this graphic novel are beautiful. They helped to tell Anne‘s story wonderfully! #100in19
1. 100 - it‘s my highest yearly goal yet! #100in19
2. No but my mother-in-law is all about the sauerkraut!
3. Peter “Star-Lord” Quill 🚀
4. August ☀️
5. Happy Birthday and high fives to you all! ☃️
#FriYAYintro @howjessreads
I‘ve bumped up my reading goal this year so here‘s to hoping I can get through 100 books this year! #100in19