Multi-generational story beginning outside Ipoh, Malaysia. I am waiting to return to the storyline of the daughter that sees ghosts.
Multi-generational story beginning outside Ipoh, Malaysia. I am waiting to return to the storyline of the daughter that sees ghosts.
I have two books on the go -- the pictured book is my evening read, when I'm not too tired, and the tagged book is my on-the-go book.
Not making very quick progress in either these days.
Since the library I work at is closed right now I‘ve been reading from the books on my bookshelves, some of which have been there quite awhile. I‘ve been meaning to read this one for the past decade. (It was published in 2008.) It‘s a family saga that takes place in Malaysia. Stunning. #asianreadathon
I finished this novel a week ago and am still thinking about it. Such gorgeous writing.
Still reading this, but only about 90 pages left. It's wonderful but very densely written. I took the doggo on a long walk and had a bit of a nap... #readathon-ing is tiring!
Breakfast time! I listened to to my current audiobook, The Association of Small Bombs, while cooking. #readathon
I didn't think I was going to be able to participate in the #readathon but my plans for the day got cancelled! To start I'm going to finish Evening Is the Whole Day, which I have about 200 pages left in.
Fiction #setinsoutheastasia. All of these books are by Malaysian/Singaporean authors (and largely set in Malaysia, though Blue Moon is also about Singapore). #AprilBookShowers
When @Liberty asked us to post about our favorite book that takes place in a hot place, I didn't even have to think for a minute. Even though there are plenty of books from India, the first book that came to mind was this wonderful piece of literary fiction set in Malaysia.. where the hot tropical climate is almost a character in the story. And hey! The cover also has a #bigyellowball . isn't the cover just gorgeous?
When your outfit and coffee match with your current reading 😂
Since The Tales From The Arabian Nights is too heavy for me to carry, I decided to start reading this one for outdoor purposes. #cassmeoutsidehowbowdah