I‘m heartbroken 💔
I‘m heartbroken 💔
I didn‘t like the first half of the book. The anecdotes held little interest individually and were largely unrelated to each other. The second half, on the other hand, was great as the anecdotes lengthened and become more personal. The stories of Cornwell‘s (Le Carre is a pen name) father and of the notorious Kim Philby were fantastic.
Finally finished a book this month. October has not been good for me. I started this in September, but have been reading via a combination of print and audio. The audiobook is narrated by the author and his narration is fantastic. I most especially enjoyed the details of people and events that inspired his novels. A must read for fans.
#firstpersonnarrator I'm at work, so trying to do a few posts from electronic resources. I've almost finished this memoir, read by the author. #uncannyoctober
I am sticky-tabbing the heck out of this book. 😍
I'm giving up on The Cuckoo's Calling for now. At 200 pages in, I'm still not feeling it. This, however, has great promise.
Listened to John Le Carré on Fresh Air yesterday - I must be the last person on Earth who had zero clue how fascinating he is. FASCINATING!
The last few pages... honestly, only a negroni on the terrace looking at the ocean in Cornwall felt right... I am totally in love with le Carre's writing... it's all I can do not to head west & see if he's home!! #lecarre #johnlecarre #spynovel #memoir
Absolutely loving this - the stories are wonderfully remembered and retold, and the reality behind it all astonishing...
I've never read John LeCarre before, but I'm six pages into his memoir for book club and I'm already in love with his writing.
2017 #15 Memoir Audio I had never read any of his works and learned of him through a post note in the credits of The Night Manager with Tom Hiddleston. This man is amazing, like he should be the poster child in the Dos Equis commercials, and freaking brilliant. I think he is part gandalf or Dumbledore and part James Bond or Jason Bourne. And he sounds like Jeremy Irons... audio drool. OK, can you feel how squee I am? +
An interesting look into John le Carré's life, including how his various experiences and the people he meets become situations and characters in his books. Well written, as you might expect, and lashings of dry humour.
I read this last year when it was first released and I loved it so much I thought it give the audio a try and oh my gosh it was so perfect.
It's narrated by le Carré himself and he does it so brilliantly and naturally that it's like he's there with you - you can hear him turning the pages as he reads and it's just so wonderful.
If you enjoyed the book I'd definitely recommend listening to the audio as well.
I'm weird and use my Litsy TBR stack to indicate which books I have "on deck" -- library books in the house and books I own that I've pulled out for reading soon. The latest addition to the stack was John le Carré's memoir, which just came in for me as an Overdrive ebook.
"... ich ziehe es vor,
der jahrhundertealten
Tradition des Schreibens
mit Stift und Papier
treu zu bleiben."
Not really a memoir but a fascinating collection of stories from his life. Not as much about Graham Greene as I hoped for but still very entertaining.!
I was listening to the @bookriot podcast recently and Jeff mentioned this book and that John Le Carrie was the most interesting man in the world. I concur! Such a fascinating life he has lead. Thoroughly enjoyed it!
Now, I have no #spynovels of my own so I'm trusting y'all to keep a secret. This is going to be my father's Christmas present. He has been a John le Caré fan for as long as I can remember, and one of my goals in life (when I'm financially stable enough) is to buy him a first edition some day. Until that day comes, this will have to do. Don't worry. He doesn't have a Litsy account. #photoadaynov16 @RealLifeReading
What interesting and fantastic stories. He really is the most interesting man in the world.🌎
This arrived in my library reserves today - going to get right into it as it's got a queue already at the library! I love his novels lets see if his life as a spy is as fascinating
In this beautifully written collection of moments, we meet a man who has lived a life as varied and interesting as his characters, meeting the real life versions and inspiration for some of these characters on the way. He touches briefly on his own time working for British intelligence, but the focal point is his writing life, the places it's taken him, the people he's met. And always the spectre of his youth lurks - just as with all good spies.
Tuesday: only slightly better than Monday.
I'm on the home stretch with THE PIGEON TUNNEL, and I can't begin to tell you guys how sad I'll be when I'm done. I'm enjoying it so much. I think I'll get the audio version (narrated by Mr le Carré himself) later in the year and read along with it, just to enrich the experience ?
"The street is blocked. A small car and a large car are intertwined."
Perhaps the most elegant car crash I've ever read.
"I choose moose." This is probably my favourite sentence so far.
"Mysterious omniscience". So mysterious.
Starting this has been a good start to the day.
I HAVE LITERALLY BEEN WAITING FOR THIS SINCE I FIRST HEARD ABOUT IT A YEAR AGO AND NOW I FINALLY HAVE IT. I PRETTY MUCH CAN'T CONTAIN MYSELF. If you know me, you know how much I love this author. I wanted the experience to be so special that I even waited extra time after the release date to get a hardcover ordered in. So this book is basically all of my dreams come true.
I got some bookends during the week so I could get all my John le Carré novels out on their own and free up some space in my bookcase. There's a spot right down the end for his memoir, THE PIGEON TUNNEL, when my order of it comes in. I am beyond excited to read it.
The pigeon Tunnel by John Le Carre is not a full autobiography or a memoir. This book is a collection of stories that range from his childhood to this age of terror.
There are no top secrets here, no scandals or spies. Just vignettes of a long lived life, anecdotes, stories and recollection: some are true and some are hazy.
An enjoyable read that any Le Caree fan would enjoy immensely.
“Spying was forced on me from birth much in the way, I suppose, that the sea was forced on C. S. Forester, or India on Paul Scott. Out of the secret world I once knew I have tried to make a theatre for the larger worlds we inhabit. First comes the imagining, then the search for the reality. Then back to the imagining, and to the desk where I‘m sitting now.”
Well this is happening today. Muppet arms, etc.