Been a while since I read some PKD, so giving this one a try
Been a while since I read some PKD, so giving this one a try
just finished this beauty. 😍 another step in my long and wonderful #philipkdick journey. ❤️ which #PKD will i read next?! #myPKDjourney
L'ho finito di leggere qualche giorno fa e....wow!!
Una lettura folle, particolare, strana,....e stupenda!
...nessuno riuscirebbe ad indovinare la fine! Credetemi
Potete trovare la mia opinione sul Blog: https://viaggiatricepigra.blogspot.com/2018/07/opinione-labirinto-di-morte-di-ph...
#LabirintoDiMorte #PhilipKDick #fantascienza
As usual, PKD plays with his characters', and his readers', perceptions of reality. Written from the points-of-view of several characters, neither they nor we are really sure which, if any of them, is experiencing what is actually happening.
A group of strangers dissatisfied with their former lives are transported to a colony world in one-way spaceships with a promise of finding fulfillment. 👇🏻👇🏻
A small book haul at a used book store (Mojo Books & Music), in Tampa