Bought a used copy right in New Orleans. It reads like a novel and Brinkley shows no mercy in calling out the errors and mistakes made. He is especially tough on Mayor Ray Nagin.
Bought a used copy right in New Orleans. It reads like a novel and Brinkley shows no mercy in calling out the errors and mistakes made. He is especially tough on Mayor Ray Nagin.
These are most of my already read books that I still want to keep. My TBR shelves are in another room. I know it‘s not apparent, but there is some organization here. I actually gave @emilyhaldi one shelf to use over on the left. 😁
Strange how people who suffer together have stronger connections than people who are most content🏚
New Orleans found itself in #deepwater after Hurricane Katrina struck in 2005. I was a college student there at the time and it was heartbreaking to witness the devastation the storm left behind months, and even years later. The city will always hold a special place in my ❤️
The floods in Texas have reminded me of the awful floods in New Orleans after Katrina and the #heroes that saved lives then and again this week. My daughter @emilyhaldi lived through Katrina and it still is unbelievable.
I live in San Antonio where the predicted rain totals keep going up and the days that we will be under this hurricane keep getting longer. Luckily, I'm hunkered down with my family, my dog, lots of food and lots of books. BTW: The Great Deluge is an excellent book about Hurricane Katrina.
Complete lack of leadership at the top in New Orleans. Smaller places and parishes had leadership, and many of the agencies, and some of the lower levels in the city agencies. But Nagin? Incompetent. And I am only 1/3 of the way into the book! Of course, he's not alone...there were band-aids for decades that contributed to the tragedy. This book is just not good for my blood pressure. Of course, it's easy to be a Monday morning quarterback....
My #booksbythesea choice today is this fantastic read on the horrors of Hurricane Katrina. Some of the tragedies are caused by nature, some are caused by human folly, but all of them will break your heart. #somethingforsept #septphotochallenge