Gonna say it again, it was heart wrenching! Even if comics aren't you're thing you should read this one. Especially if you know a service member or veteran. ❤️🇺🇸
#veteran #military #uglycry #FanWife #marvel #captainamerica #usa
Gonna say it again, it was heart wrenching! Even if comics aren't you're thing you should read this one. Especially if you know a service member or veteran. ❤️🇺🇸
#veteran #military #uglycry #FanWife #marvel #captainamerica #usa
I'm emotionally wrecked. 😭
Comprised of 4 one-shot war stories surrounding Captain America. They touch on bravery, honor, brotherhood, the American warrior, and everything that made Captain America the icon he is.
You will ugly cry...and love it.
Beautifully honors soldiers...though may be triggering for those who have experienced war. Incredibly touching.
#CaptainAmerica #wwii #history #warstories #rememberthefallen #uglycry
Issue one: America the Beautiful will give you the feels and make you ugly cry! ?
Cap's gonna make my heart burst honoring "the worst soldier in the history of the United States military" who was "the bravest man" Cap ever knew. ?????
#WWII #veterans #soldier #war #marvel #captainamerica #FanWife #feels #uglycry #honorthefallen #freedom
Issue one: America the Beautiful will give you the feels and make you ugly cry! ?
Cap's gonna make my heart burst honoring "the worst soldier in the history of the United States military" who was "the bravest man" Cap ever knew. ?????
#WWII #veterans #soldier #war #marvel #captainamerica #FanWife #feels #uglycry #honorthefallen #freedom
And the husband said unto the wife, "Why don't you go check out the trade paperbacks." And the wife concurred. And lo, she returned home with 3 books of her fictional husband, brother-husband to the husband IRL. And all was right with the world.
#FanWife #marvel #captainamerica #fictionalhusband #veteran #husband #comics #superheroes