Chrissyreadit Wow. Everyday is a challenge. I am angry and heartbroken to discover the blatant, willful ignorance of so many people in this country. I always thought people could and would step up to do what is right. But that is not even close to what is happening in this country. 3d
Lauredhel @Chrissyreadit This was written on Wiradjuri country 3d
dabbe 🎯🎯🎯 3d
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Chrissyreadit @Lauredhel I am always thinking about the devestation of Native/Aboriginal lands from colonization and the parallel of what is happening now. We are still woefully ignorant to anyone who is not a privileged white male. Thankyou for clarifying the location- i could not help but see it as a sign of today. 3d
Clare-Dragonfly Yes. 2d
Lauredhel @Chrissyreadit We're definitely in the slowpocalypse. And the American political situation will only accelerate it. I just hope Australia doesn't go hard right in our upcoming Federal election, but I'm trying to be realistic about it. 2d
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