…Penelope is a lesbian! Well, maybe she‘s not a lesbian. Nobody is a lesbian anymore. Everyone is queer or pansexual. But Penelope is in her late forties or early fifties, Gen X, meaning she might actually be a lesbian, generationally speaking.
…Penelope is a lesbian! Well, maybe she‘s not a lesbian. Nobody is a lesbian anymore. Everyone is queer or pansexual. But Penelope is in her late forties or early fifties, Gen X, meaning she might actually be a lesbian, generationally speaking.
I read this one in 2 days because I couldn‘t put it down! Everyone is super messy and sometimes I just wanted to shake the MC because she kept getting into situations that anyone could see miles away that were going to be extremely bad and toxic.
Did I love this? Absolutely!
I have already giggled about 3 times with this book and I‘m only on chapter 2…Let‘s hope it stays this way!
This ode to lesbian pulp novels, starring a contemporary lightly cancelled lesbian writer in LA, is successful at what it's trying to do: a character study of a messy, fucked-up dyke with "controversial opinions" aka rampant biphobia etc experiencing a steep downward spiral while trying to stay sober and find love. I am just not enjoying it. I can't tolerate the protagonist‘s "opinions" even if they're not condoned. Also, not my style of humour.
Give me all the pulp and lesbian drama!! So fun!!
Writer Astrid cannot get her life together. She regularly blacks out on a drug cocktail she calls the “Patricia Highsmith” and dates all the wrong women. The book follows her as she falls for a walking 🚩, obsesses over a neighbor, and tries not to get dropped by her book agent after running her mouth one too many times.
I am so excited for these @AardvarkBookClub picks!! Both are running about 4.25⭐️ on the storygraph, which is phenomenal. Can‘t wait for my box!! #aardvark