Some of these books have been on my TBR for too long. Looking forward to reading these, and a whole new year of reading challenges in 2022. 😃🎆
Hoping you all have a Happy New Year, and get to read the books you want to read, fellow Littens! 💛
Some of these books have been on my TBR for too long. Looking forward to reading these, and a whole new year of reading challenges in 2022. 😃🎆
Hoping you all have a Happy New Year, and get to read the books you want to read, fellow Littens! 💛
And with this 4 ⭐ book, the #Spring prompts for #booked2020 are completed. @Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage
Best were the first two.
#makesyoulol #crimesstrangestcases #peterseddon
#parentandchildmemoir #notmyfathersson #alancumming
#tartannoir #laidlaw #williammcilvanney
#aboutgenocide #tattooistofauschwitz #heathermorris
#panasianorsilkpunk #wallofstorms #kenliu
#animaloncover #caseofthecarelesskitten #erlestanleygardner
Take my heart, Ken Liu. Take it all. Such a wild journey i have been on with this book. The heartache is real. I bawled in tears. I was angry. I was frustrated. Most of all, i love how strong the female characters are in this book. Thanks for the ride. Till we meet again in book 3. #epicfantasy #bookreview
Finally diving into this doorstopper! Finished book 1 a year or so ago. 851 pages of #epicfantasy for company this week! #nowreading
Holy wow, what a ride! If you like epic fantasy you really need to give this series a try. This book is the 2nd of 3 planned. The women really come into their own in this book and drive the story and the action and end up (literally) ruling the world. Highly recommended. 5🌟
Another ✔️ off my TBR list and a ✔️for finishing a series (published so far)!!
#mountTBRchallenge @DivaDiane
#yearofthechunkster #finishtheseries
"Killing the emporer was easy. Building a world that is more just and persuading those in power to exercise it wisely [has] been far harder."
In books AND in life. Sigh.
I‘ve had this book out from the library for a few months now - I know I want to read it, but I haven‘t been able to psych myself up to tackle an 800+ page fantasy novel. Maybe tomorrow... #unreturnedbook #riotgrams
Whee my Book Outlet order FINALLY arrived (2 days late) after sitting at another city's post office for several days! I ordered these and four National Geographic kids books (I quickly hid them away) for presents for some family friends at the Thanksgiving sale and am just relieved that they reached me.
Day 5 #riotgrams - big books. This whopper clocks in at over 850+ pages, but it's by Ken Liu, so every word is perfect and necessary #bigbooks
Some predicted-to-be-5-star reads from my TBR. I want to read all of these RIGHT NOW. #fivestarprediction Thanks for the tag @swishandflick ! Tagging @HotMessJess @Lcsmcat @tricours @Tamra @Kshakal to see theirs! Everyone join in! I wanna see everyone's picks!
My #challenge is to read the books on my TBR shelf without buying more books. So far I am losing. #anditsaugust
Ok, Amazon, I don't need you making me feel bad about the fact that I bought this ebook forever ago and haven't read it... don't they know I buy ebooks on sale because I'm totally going to read it *at some point* and then hoard them/forget about them??? 😂 📚📚📚📚📚 #bookwormproblems
Really enjoyed this one. As much as I liked the first, I think this one was in many ways more interesting. Partially because it went in directions I wasn't expecting at all, plotwise, but also because I liked the characters even better. Whether new ones I met for the first time here, or those who I got to see continue to develop from the previous book, I really enjoyed these characters.
The sequel to The Grace of Kings, The Wall of Storms is an inventive and addictive epic fantasy, the perfect read while waiting for the new season of Game of Thrones. It really is an amazing blend of philosophy, technology, politics and war, featuring a cast of vivid characters. So many characters! Luckily, there's a cheat sheet to help the reader keep track. At over 800 pages, it's not a light read, but it is a page turner!
"If the young do not have radical ideas, the world will never change."
Just finished the incredible The Wall of Storms. As a sequel to The Grace of Kings, I was doubtful it would top its predecessor, but I was quite wrong. It's another phenomenal installment in this Chinese-influenced epic fantasy series, with excellent prose, wonderful characters, and sharp, gripping storytelling. Absolutely cannot wait for the sequel next year.
These are the only books I have that have #weather #aprilbookshowers @RealLifeReading
To everyone out there protesting all the things wrong in the world: this one's for you.
Full review here: http://wp.me/p21txV-yS
I was NOT expecting the emotional impact this book delivered. I even got teary-eyed IN PUBLIC a few times, which shows just how GOOD this book is because I don't like getting emotional in public. Now I cannot wait to read the next one, and see where the story goes next. The only thing I know for sure is that, wherever it goes, it's going to be awesome - and painful.
Someone must've forgotten to send the memo to Westeros then.
So I just finished this book while sick with a bout of norovirus. Never mind my guts; my HEART is broken, damn it! How the hell am I supposed to write a review for this?
So I started a bullet journal at the top of this year and I'm still figuring out what I want to do with it. Atm I'm using it as a place to improve my handwriting and make notes on the books I read. Anyway, last night I reached the midway point of The Wall of Storms, and...well. This is how is felt. Kudos to the author for compromising me emotionally so early in the year XD.
It's amazing how this applies to so many things: movies, TV shows, comics, video games, books...politicians...
What an odd typesetting error. I have to say this is the first like this I've ever come across. Neat. (Yeah, I'm a weirdo; this is not news.)
"Life is short, but knowledge grows ever more abundant." -Ken Liu, The Wall of Storms (The Dandelion Dynasty #2)
The god of war is also the god of the weak.
Things have been mildly crazy around where I live (look up the protests against Ferdinand Marcos' burial), which is why I've been quiet, but we refuse to go down without a fight. And even if we lose, we'll just get right back up and fight again. We refuse to stand for this blatant attempt erase history. I hope the gods of war look upon us with favor, because we're gonna need it.
Beautiful cover art by Sam Weber on this one. #TheWallofStorms #TheDandelionDynasty #KenLiu #SamWeber
This entire quote really struck me because I tend to think of writing poetry along similar lines; my metaphor was that writing a poem is like building a cathedral. That isn't too far off from the notion of poetry as engineering :).