One Brontë was definitely not a fan of Austen
Bookwomble Based on the initial 20 pages of P&P that I was able to force myself through before I threw it down in disgust (by which I mean, carefully closed it and replaced the book gently on the shelf!), I'm in agreement with Charlotte on this one 😏 2w
AnneCecilie @Bookwomble I‘ve read P&P 3 times, and the same goes for her other novels and am reading S&S for the 4th time now. I‘m a huge fan 2w
Bookwomble @AnneCecilie This is why there's more than one book - we readers like different things! 😁 I've determined to give P&P another try at some point, as I had picked it up rather casually rather than being in a specific mood to engage with it. I might become a convert yet! 2w
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AnneCecilie @Bookwomble I‘m know and that‘s the great thing about books, there‘s something for anyone. I read P&P for the first time after watching the BBC series in the mid-90s and I loved the series so was probably inclined to love the book as well. 2w
Bookwomble @AnneCecilie Perhaps it's weird, but I do like the TV adaptations, and that was a good one 😊 2w
CaramelLunacy Clearly not! This always puts me in mind of the Dude-watching with the Brontes comic.. 2w
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