My April favorites were The Island of Sea Women and The Republic if Thieves. Dopesick was also excellent.
My April favorites were The Island of Sea Women and The Republic if Thieves. Dopesick was also excellent.
And here's another Humble Bundle purchase I shouldn't have ignored for years. Velvet is a 43-year-old superspy who's been out of the game for a while but gets pulled back in when her agencymate is compromised and killed. It's full of intense, 1970s spy action, and I LOVE that the protagonist isn't 26. More like this, please.
This put me over 25 hours for #25InFive, too. Hurray! #comics
Never underestimate the "secretary." When ex-agent (current assistant to the head) Velvet begins to take a closer look into the untimely and unusual death of the agency's best operative, she finds herself framed for his murder. Now she's coming out of retirement to kick-ass and take names and find out what the hell is going on. I loved it. Art was great. Story was smooth. Loved Velvet, a 40-something, sultry badass.
One of several comics I've been trying out recently. Lady James Bond -- recommended to beau's daughter. #ladypower #asskicker
Amazing read. Like a 007 movie with a kick-ass woman in the title role and without all the boring parts! Will be ordering Vols. 2 and 3 from the library. And re-reading this tomorrow!
I like the spy-thriller aspect of this, and I really like that Velvet is an older woman who still kicks ass (I mean, she's not elderly, but how often do we see a woman out of her 20s who is able to take out half a dozen men?)