Must read! Supervised by Bill Furry.
Go order this now! Chelsea Cain's newest title imagine what would happen if menstruating girls transform into predatory cats and attack. So many clever hidden bits and such an interesting premise. Looking forward to issue 2. #LibrarianStampofApproval
Had a good few months of reading and have reached my revised reading challenge for the year.
4.5 ⭐️ read in one sitting. Clever & entertaining. Was protected by this mighty lion.
Ooooooooo Baldwin has some sting on his pen! I'm enjoying his writing, and I'm reading slowly to catch the subtlety and nuance of his prose.
4.25 stars -- some stories were stronger than others, but i ❤️❤️❤️ Sylvia. #FragmentsofFemininity #NetGalley
"No situation is improved by the presence of a gigantic anus." (p.257)
Slowly working my way through the third, and last, of the Tearling series.
Heard the author of this on a podcast, remembered I own a copy, came directly home to read it. #weirdreads
Excellent second book of the weekend. A closely guarded stack to choose from next.
While they were mostly comics and graphic novels, I officially surpassed my 2017 reading goal of 25 books. I'm working on number 28.
One of several comics I've been trying out recently. Lady James Bond -- recommended to beau's daughter. #ladypower #asskicker
Or at least trying to read...
I'm finally back to reading this book, and I've knocked out 100 pages in the last two days. Such a clever idea and method of storytelling.