Finished this one tonight. #6 in the series...6 more to go. I‘ve caught up with the PBS tv series. From now on, i have no idea where the characters will go....
Finished this one tonight. #6 in the series...6 more to go. I‘ve caught up with the PBS tv series. From now on, i have no idea where the characters will go....
Books five and six of this series were excellent, IMO. Graham picked back up writing the series after a twenty year hiatus, and really ratcheted up the storyline. Looking forward to reading the rest.
This series is killing me, guys.
I finished book 6 out of 12 tonight and have been in a daze for the last hour.
(Photo from Google.)
1. Magheralin, Northern Ireland (it's pronounced marra-lynn, inexplicably)
2. In terms of the quality of the writing The Good People by Hannah Kent
3. The Essex Serpent!!! 🐍 I finally picked up a copy yesterday ( @clbeattie123 😃)
4. Anne of Green Gables. I wanted to BE her. How many of us wanted puffed sleeves? 🙋🏼
5. Not sure...
6. The 3rd Wolf Hall book - what are you DOING, Hilary Mantel?
“War is a severe thing, if I may so put it. We're fighting for our very lives, and I do not know how we may prevail. The country seems to have lost faith in itself, to be no longer willing to fight for the principles in which it used to believe. As a nation we are slothful or altogether asleep.” - Hugh Armitage, The Four Swans.
Sounds like a commentary on today...
I have such mixed feelings right now. Most of this book is wonderful, with such interesting characters. And then there's Ross Poldark, who drags down my rating. A review will definitely be appearing on my blog soon.
Rating: 🌟🌟🌟
#poldark #thefourswans #winstongraham #rosspoldark #demelza
I found this one easier to get through than The Black Moon. Will take a break from the series now that I'm caught up to where the TV show will be this season.
That might be a bit strong, even for me.
Struggling with the dark turn this series has taken. All the reviews I'm reading with women gushing how "romantic" it is - seriously?? You're okay with the main character being a rapist and now the local vicar not only being a rapist but a pervert and child molester?? Huh. I suspect you also gobbled up the Fifty Shades trilogy as 'literature' and went in droves to see the smutty film adaptation ?♀️
No, Ross, you're wrong!! I want gold lettering on half-morocco binding every day of the week! Although I'll never turn down a well-loved, well-worn favourite. In fact, just give me ALL THE BOOKS 📚😍📚😍📚
Opening line of the day:
"Daniel Behenna, physician and surgeon, was forty years old and live in a square, detached, untidy house in Goodwives Lane, Truro.