Started reading this and also watched the first episode of the show. Really liking how this reads so far and the show is good. Follows the book pretty well.
#RossPoldark #WinstonGraham #Masterpiece #PBS #book #ebook #kindlereads #tvshow
Started reading this and also watched the first episode of the show. Really liking how this reads so far and the show is good. Follows the book pretty well.
#RossPoldark #WinstonGraham #Masterpiece #PBS #book #ebook #kindlereads #tvshow
It was windy. The pale afternoon sky was shredded with clouds; the road, grown dustier and more uneven in the past hour, was scattered with blown and rustling leaves.
#RossPoldark #WinstonGraham #FirstLineFridays
Starting #rosspoldark by #winstongraham today for one of my book clubs. I love the show #poldark on #pbs, and so far, the book has lived up to my hopes.
My dilemma for the day: My husband is headed to a concert for the night which leaves me with a lot of awesome alone time. 😍 Do I have a date with #RossPoldark or finish the not so awesome Christmas in Paris? #girlproblems
My sister and I watched seasons 1 and 2 of #Poldark over the past two weekends on #AmazonVideo. Since season 3 doesn't air until October 1, I have purchased the first book in the series and cannot wait for it to arrive in the mail soon! #RossPoldark by #WinstonGraham
Source: Google Image
I have such mixed feelings right now. Most of this book is wonderful, with such interesting characters. And then there's Ross Poldark, who drags down my rating. A review will definitely be appearing on my blog soon.
Rating: 🌟🌟🌟
#poldark #thefourswans #winstongraham #rosspoldark #demelza
See previous post on Ross Poldark.
#Demelza #RossPoldark #Poldark #WinstonGraham #AidanTurner #EleanorTomlinson
5/5 ✨
This review is for Ross Poldark and Demelza. I'm absolutely loving the Poldark story so far, the characters are so wonderful and intriguing and their lives are so interesting! What I think makes these books resonate with me is that despite the fact they're set in the late 1700's, I find their problems and joys relatable. Definitely a five out of five read for me! #Poldark #RossPoldark #Demelza #AidanTurner #EleanorTomlinson #WinstonGraham