This is on my winter TBR-looks really good!
This is on my winter TBR-looks really good!
3.75/5 ?????
"Behold your valiant hero: a self-important, sermonising poser who'd never stoop to getting down in the mud where the real fight's about to start because he might have to get his hands dirty and that would make him 'no better than the bad guys'. Well, guess what? There's a whole lot of mud down here, and we're all neck-deep in it. Maybe it's time somebody came along who's ready to be worse than the bad guys."
#fantasy #mage
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️This book has it all: fourth wall breaking, crude humor, motley wizard crews, and, somehow, a lot of heart. Pretty different from what I usually read, I really enjoyed this one and am glad I got it in a subscription box. It came with a keychain that said “Welcome to the Shit Show,” which really says more about it than I ever could. Joe Jameson is an excellent audiobook narrator, & I will definitely read more if it is turned into a series.
I loved the Great coats so i had to try this one.
Running a little late with this morning, but 4.6⭐️ this is the first book I read by this author, it was my pic for my hometown book club read for July. I really enjoyed it, I have a lot of fun with the characters, the storyline, the magic system, and just the overall execution of the story. This appears to be the first book in a new series by this author that was just released this year. I‘m looking forward to book two.
3✨ This review is hard to write since I didn‘t love it, but I didn‘t hate it. I think my biggest thought is it was clever and funny. There was a lot of crude humor which I‘m not a fan of. It has a lot of characters with a lot of different abilities. I struggled to follow everything that was happening especially at the beginning I had to reread it several times.
Yesterday was a late start for all of us. So didn‘t get much read. I did read my 3 serial Reads, started my #LotRChapterADay from #FellowshipofTolkien started my #HometownBookClub book on audio (the tagged) and read some of Tress and Nancy Drew. I also finished a week of Bible reading with. 5 to go! Today I‘ve been trying to catch up to meet some reading goal due dates. 😬 @Andrew65 @Littlewolf1 @JazzFeathers @Daisey
I have been in a pretty big reading slump for the last several months, barely even reading my hometown book club book. However, June seems to have been a little bit of a better month for me and with July being my birth month I wanna hit the ground running. So here is my #bookspinbingo and #ChristmasInJuly TBR for this month. Here‘s to a great month reading.
Was out on errands today and picked up my preorder of The Malevolent Seven and The Moth Keeper grabbed my eye which is by the author of the Tea Dragon Society books. 🥰
I‘ve got so many books on my June TBR already … and this is one of them! Special edition from The Broken Binding. ♥️