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Confessioni di una sociopatica. Viaggio nella mente di una manipolatrice
Confessioni di una sociopatica. Viaggio nella mente di una manipolatrice | M. E. Thomas
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4.2⭐️ this story was phenomenal. To actually take a look into the mind of somebody that has an antisocial personality disorder can be a pretty scary experience. Especially when the more the more well-known to carry this specific personality disorder are people like Ted Bundy, and Jeffrey Dahmer. But to take it from this perspective, of a respected person in society, is really thought-provoking. This was number 62 for my #Roll100

PuddleJumper 💝 💝 4mo
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My #Roll100 for the month of May 😃

PuddleJumper ❤️❤️ 5mo
slategreyskies What sort of dice are these? If I was to want to pick up some for myself, what would I search for to find them? They‘re so cool! 💜💕 5mo
Littlewolf1 @slategreyskies that is definitely a question for @PuddleJumper , but I completely agree… they are pretty awesome. 5mo
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slategreyskies @Littlewolf1 oh, I thought they were your dice! 🎲 👍 5mo
PuddleJumper @slategreyskies Hi! All of my dice are from 7 piece sets because I use them for table top role-playing. They are acrylic or resin, fairly standard for these kind of dice though you can also get metal ones. If you search for dice sets or d&d dice you'll find them. Those ones would be from Valkyrie RPG or Beholder's Gaze which are UK based companies 5mo
PuddleJumper @slategreyskies Those specific dice are a d100 and d10. You should probably buy them separately, I'm not sure 5mo
slategreyskies @PuddleJumper thanks! That was really helpful! I‘ll look for them! 🩵 5mo
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While I actually read 90% of book 2 on my stack of research into psychopathy, I‘m bailing on this one at 50%. In many ways it‘s the most compelling of the 3 books I chose. It‘s a memoir written by a woman who diagnosed herself and was later clinically assessed as a nonviolent non criminal sociopath, describing her experiences and internal motivations.⬇️⬇️⬇️

IndoorDame My issue with her is she‘s the ultimate unreliable narrator, and that totally works with a master writer guiding it, but she isn‘t that. I‘ve definitely gotten some insights from this, but the author is truly unpleasant and at this point I just don‘t want to spend more time with her enough to gain further insights. 10mo
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I suppose I liked this more than most. 🤷🏾‍♀️

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I got about 1/4 of the way through before the discomfort outweighed the interest. This is an ironic attempt of a self-diagnosed sociopath to help non-sociopaths understand/empathize with sociopaths. Who don't empathize. I understand that not all sociopaths are criminally dangerous, and that it is not their fault they are the way they are... but that doesn't mean I would invite one into my life knowingly.

Kris10H How can I trust someone whose motives are always and only to fulfill their own wants? That they would not consider and weigh how their actions affect others?
Regardless, I found the author/narrator generally unlikeable in her narcissism and disregard for others.
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The_Book_Ninja Black hearts matter😔 3y
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I thought she did a good job explaining. I have read other books that tell me that not all sociopaths are serial killers, etc. They aren‘t all violent, as this author isn‘t. I did find some of her comparisons to “empaths” a bit odd, and they often didn‘t seem to ring true for me. It was only in the epilogue that she defined how she was using the word to mean non-sociopaths. I listened to the audio and it was done well. I rarely lost interest


This book was enthralling and incredibly enlightening- and not only in the sense that you gain more insight into the mind of a sociopath, but also because of all the concepts and ideas the author raises about ethics, morality, nature vs nurture, and neuroscience. It made me want to read further on all those topics.

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Audiobooks and Halloween treat making. I love this time of year. Also, this book is amazingly interesting! I don‘t want it to be over! 😭

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A beautiful, brave and honest account of her experiences and reflections on being a sociopath.
She describes the events in her life that shape the development of her sociopathy, while acknowledging the role that biology plays.

The author has a clever way of making you feel simultaneously connected to her and very different from her. She ultimately respects positive role that diversity of personality has in the world.

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I love this comparison. It compares a vampire to how a sociopath weaves through society. (Sorry about the spill from my water glass)

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..growing accustomed to believing my own lies...

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Book mail! I have had my eye on this book for a long time! This takes readers into the mind of a sociopath and what it means. It is part confessional memoir , sounds interesting . i love reading books on personality disorders and just months human brain in general , everyone is different .


KirstieE Ooo this sounds so interesting ! 6y
MStew @KirstieE it really does I'm dying to know what it's all about!🤓 6y
BeansPage Please let me know how it is. I'm on a constant study right now with personality disorders and mental illness. If this is good I would like to add it to my to be read stack 🤗 6y
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MStew @TheReadingMermaid i definitely will!🤗 6y
cswaingiggles I loved this book! When we were first dating I weirded my husband out by asking for it when he needed to get me a gift. Years later he much more understands my love of reading about how minds work 6y
MStew @cswaingiggles so cute! 6y
Linsy Creepy cover! 😱 (edited) 6y
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@Callemarie this is fantastic! Thank you so much for my #itstrulycriminalswap package! The coffee and chocolate look too good 😚 and I will definitely put good use to the rest! Can‘t wait to read these books! Thank you! 🤗❤️👏🏻

@JenlovesJT47 and thank you for hosting!!

Callemarie YAY!!!! I‘m so happy you like them and im so happy the coffee mug made it there in one piece haha p.s I love that we both gave each other John Douglas books 🤣😂🤣 6y
guinsgirlreads @Callemarie and chocolate and pens! 😂 glad you like! 6y
AmyG Great swap! 6y
JenlovesJT47 💚💚💚 6y
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Consistently intriguing, but I often found myself wondering how much of the content was just written for show or shock value.

RaimeyGallant Interesting. And welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. Or if you prefer how-to videos, @chelleo put some together at the link in her bio. @LitsyWelcomeWagon 6y
Chelleo Welcome to Litsy! Here are direct links to #Litsytips: http://bit.ly/litsytips and #LitsyHowTo videos: http://bit.ly/litsyvideos are helpful. There‘s lots of fun things to do: book exchanges, buddy reads, photo challenges and more! Check out @LitsyHappenings for details. 6y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 👋🏻 6y
LitsyWelcomeWagon Welcome to Litsy!! 📚🤗 6y
Wife Welcome to Litsy!🌹 6y
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Have you ever read a thriller with an unreliable psychopath narrator and wanted to know what their thoughts are like outside the frame of the novel? Read this! The most terrifying aspect of this is that it's nonfiction. M.E. Thomas is a diagnosed sociopath who advocates that sociopaths aren't all monsters. You be the judge. TW: animal cruelty, child abuse, controversial views about homosexuality. If you're not a sociopath this will anger you.

TheFunkyBookworm Ohh this sounds right up my alley!!! Adding it to my tbr! 6y
Chocamanda @TheFunkyBookworm I listened to the audiobook and I found it totally addictive. I definitely recommend it! 6y
Kaylamburson You convinced me I need to read this. Stacked! 6y
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No sleep last night, and now I‘m onto the next #audiobook 🤷🏻‍♀️

ElishaLovesBooks I hope you get some sleep tonight!😊 7y
BookMaven407 I've read half of this book and need to get back to it. I'm curious what your thoughts will be. 7y
Clwojick @BookMaven407 I am about a third of the way through, and actually really enjoying it. (Minus the first paragraph with the baby possum 😭) I‘m finding it be quite interesting, which I knew I would. I‘m always intrigued by those murderer documentaries, and psychology documentaries. I always want to know more about why certain people think they way they do. 7y
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Clwojick @ElishaLovesBooks Thanks! I‘m hoping I sleep tonight too. 😴😴😴 7y
BookMaven407 Wow, you read fast! I found the discussion about the personality disorder to be compelling but I felt like I was gravitating toward finding the author unlikable. Although, I admit it may be due to the traits of a sociopath. I need to pick the book back up and finish it. I think it is insightful. 7y
Clwojick @BookMaven407 Lol! I listen to audiobooks as much as I can, so it was easy to get s few hours in while cooking and cleaning. I‘m definitely finding the author unlikable, but I‘m still intrigued. I think I might‘ve lost interest if I was physically readying the book, but this audiobook is well done, and for the time being it‘s keeping my attention. 7y
BookMaven407 Maybe that's it, I've been reading the book. I'll check the library for the audio. Thanks for the suggestion. I haven't gotten into audio books, yet 🙂 7y
Clwojick @BookMaven407 If you have a library card, try downloading the Hoopla or Libby/Overdrive apps. You sign in with your library card number, and you get a limited amount of free downloads each month. I was able to listen to 112 audiobooks last year for free by using these two apps. They‘re awesome to listen to while commuting, cooking, cleaning, or at the gym. ♥️ If you need any audiobook recommendations let me know! 7y
BookMaven407 112 audiobooks for free- nice! I'll check it out. 👍🤗 7y
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Really interesting to have sociopaths explained BY a sociopath.

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I got about a third of the way through this and decided I had other things I'd rather read. I think its maybe her blog posts put together into a book. I don't think I have any such people in my life and found it hard to read this self centred account. I'm sure I would find it hard to be friends with her. However hats off to her for bring honest . Just not a read for me. @MrsMalaprop

AllenTStClair This sounds like a nightmare to read...but now I kind of want to. 😂 7y
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Friend book this month.

M.E Thomas is a high functioning, non-cruminal sociopath. She is charismatic and successful. You would be charmed by her if you met her, might even be seduced by her. You would not realise that she is studying you to find your flaws, is ruthlessly manipulative and does not feel guilt or remorse. And since it is claimed that one in twenty-five of us are sociopaths, she could be your friend or your boss. She could be you.

CoverToCoverGirl Very intriguing.. 8y
ReadingOver50 That book sounds so great 8y
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Wow. This book sounds crazy. And fascinating. Can't read "high-functioning sociopath" without thinking of Sherlock though...

RiotMom I'm curious to hear what you think. The rating isn't great, but the material sounds fascinating! 8y
raelaschoenherr @RiotMom I didn't buy it but I'm very curious! Jon Ronson blurbed it and I loved his book 8y
Bookworm54 My friend got me this as a gift a couple of years back, but it's still on my tbr :/ 8y
raelaschoenherr @Bookworm54 It sounds fascinating! 8y
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Sadly there aren't many readers in my family or friends :( But i did order some books for my hubby. P.S. I also bought him a Tardis cookie jar for the office (the drawers are always filled with cookies) Thank you @LibrarianRyan for this wonderful challenge #12DaysofXmasPhoto #givingasgifts

LibrarianRyan Love the cookie jar. I understand the no readers. I'm trying to start my nephews young. 8y
Serotonin I have a Tardis cookie jar too! It's not porcelain, though. When you open the top, it "swooshes!" ? 8y
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Have started read 'Confessions of a Sociopath' and have decided that I never want to meet this person.

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Picked up some light reading for while the husband is traveling.

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