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Badasstronauts | Grady Hendrix
6 posts | 3 read | 8 to read
From New York Times bestselling author of My Best Friend's Exorcism, The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires, and The Final Girl Support Group, Grady Hendrix takes a break from horror and goes all-in on sci-fi in this novella about backyard rocket jockeys trying to get into low earth orbit. Melville, South Carolina was out of money, it was out of jobs, it was out of hope, and today it was out of astronauts. There were only two to begin with, and now one is stuck on the abandoned International Space Station after his mission went south. With NASA's budget cut to the bone, there's no one to bring him back home, so everyone is only too happy to ignore this embarrassing sign of American Failure and just let him die. But his cousin, Walter Reddie, isn't going to let that happen. Tanked on vodka, living on a "farm" whose only crop is cars on cinderblocks, Walter's a wash-out from the Shuttle Program and he'll be damned if he's going to let his cousin die in the sky like a dog. And so he begins to build a rocket. If America won't rescue its astronauts, he'll do it himself. Violating numerous laws, good taste, common sense, logic, and reason, Walter becomes a lightning rod for people who aren't ready to give up. His farm is transformed into the promised land for misfits, drifters, rocket junkies, pyromaniacs, dreamers, science nerds, and astro-hippies who believe that space shouldn't just be for billionaires. But it won't be easy. Chances are good they'll blow themselves up, get arrested, or kill each other before they ever get into orbit.
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Badasstronauts | Grady Hendrix
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My review of this book can be found on my YouTube Vlog at:



Badasstronauts | Grady Hendrix
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This was funny in parts (especially the FBI agent involvement) - quick read about a group of “misfits“ led by ex-astronaut to save a fellow townsperson who was left in space after NASA mission -

#BookSpinBingo #JanuaryPagesChallenge

Make a great day everyone -☃️

Badasstronauts | Grady Hendrix
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A few days left of #JoyousJanuary @Andrew65 thank you for hosting -

I finished 2 of the 3 books I hoped to - and finished one not on my original list -goal for last two days is come close to finishing my three current reads: tagged book, Six of Crows, The Bullet That Missed.

Make a great day everyone 📚

Andrew65 Best of luck during the last part of the Readathon. 😁 2y
bthegood @Andrew65 thank you - forgot that the playoffs are occurring ( home team in it today - so not as much reading) 😃 2y
Andrew65 @bthegood Hope they did well. 2y
bthegood @Andrew65 they did - moving on to next round 🙂 2y
Andrew65 @bthegood Yay! 🍾 2y
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Badasstronauts | Grady Hendrix
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#AuthorAMonth2022 @Soubhiville #LittenListen @aperfectmjk

Hilarious novella! Hendrix uses a lot of satire in his horror, but this novella isn't horror and I laughed out loud so many times. The story is about a failed astronaut trying to rescue a stranded astronaut in space. But the setting is in the Carolinas and the redneck humor surrounding this endeavor is pure comedy gold.

#Scarathlon #TeamSlaughter @Clwojick

Oldschool_millenial *chucks it into the TBR* 2y
Soubhiville I‘ve never heard of this one! 2y
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Badasstronauts | Grady Hendrix
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Best #dedication I‘ve seen in awhile! 😂😂😂😂Can‘t wait to dive into this book now!

Badasstronauts | Grady Hendrix
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This Grady Hendrix novella was freaking hilarious. It‘s like the “Astronaut Farmer” but with more beer and less dental hygiene. I laughed out loud so many times during the #audio. 🤣🤣🤣

bthegood Thx for the review - I always like to have at least one audiobook going for the car - this is on my TBR - 🙂 2y
Christyco125 @bthegood the narrator does a pretty good job of keeping the characters separated but some of his accents do blend towards the end 2y
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