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Missing Page
Missing Page | Cat Sebastian
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England, 1948: Semi-retired spy Leo Page and country doctor James Sommers team up to solve a decades-old mystery. When James learns that an uncle he hasn't heard from in ages has left him something in his will, he figures that the least he can do is head down to Cornwall for a weekend to honor the old man's parting wishes. He finds the family home filled with half-remembered guests and unwanted memories, but more troubling is that his uncle has tasked his heirs with uncovering the truth behind a woman's disappearance twenty years earlier. Leo doesn't like any of it. He's just returned from one of his less pleasant missions and maybe he's slightly paranoid about James's safety, but he's of the opinion that rich people aren't to be trusted where wills are concerned. So he does what any sensible spy would do and infiltrates the house party. Together they unravel a mystery that exposes long-standing family secrets and threatens to involve James more than either of them would like.
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Missing Page | Cat Sebastian
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I'm well on track to make my entire #URC2023 into queer romance novels, so I changed up the update background for giggles. I'm not sure I'll actually succeed, since I'm a bit picky, but it's fun to try (really if I didn't have so much Jordan L Hawk over on the FRC, I'd have an easier time).

I tagged The Missing Page because I didn't think a historical set as late as postwar would work for me, but actually it was lovely.

willaful So glad you liked it. I'll let you know if I run across anything. Oh, I have Cheer Up! as my “book with an unlikely hero“ at the moment. That was very fun.

I have got to learn how to edit images, if I'm going to keep up with Litsy! My attempts are so pathetic. 😂
Faranae @willaful I use Canva on my laptop or phone, saves a deal time for reasonably decent images.

I'm hoping eventually there will be a third Page book, just to see what Leo ends up doing.

Cheer Up! looks like a cute comic, I might have to try it (YA comics are much more tolerable than YA prose). I almost used Gentle Art for “unlikely hero“, but decided anyone named after Robin Hood really couldn't be considered unlikely so much as inevitable.
willaful I'll have a look at Canva. 1y
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Missing Page | Cat Sebastian
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I spent FAR too long making a pretty #BookSpinBingo card, and I don't regret it.

I read The Missing Page on a whim, and pretty much ate it up. I love that the relationship development is not hinged on some stupid misunderstanding or lack of communication, just on the two of them being tired and damaged and learning to do better.

Also, I admit the solution to the mystery caught me by surprise.

shanaqui I managed two lines last month without overlap; this time I'm thinking about three -- the left and right verticals, and the middle horizontal. I know I need to read The Only Good Indians for a book club, and Ancillary Sword is the #DoubleSpin. I'll also need to read Murderers Make Mistakes since that was the #BookSpin number. 2y
CBee I spent a lot of time doing mine too, but it‘s nowhere near as straight and even as yours 😂 which app do you use? 2y
shanaqui @CBee I used Paint.net on my desktop so I could resize the covers and use layers and stuff. 😅 I wouldn't have managed to be so neat otherwise! 2y
CBee @shanaqui it‘s super nice 😊😊 2y
willaful Shoot, I want to nominate this in the litsy awards but you need three people to have read it. :-( 1y
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