#12Booksof2023 #September
I think I missed a day. Oops.
In September, I started to get my reading mojo back and my top pick was the fifth book in the Fiona Griffiths series. I highly recommend starting at the beginning.
#12Booksof2023 #September
I think I missed a day. Oops.
In September, I started to get my reading mojo back and my top pick was the fifth book in the Fiona Griffiths series. I highly recommend starting at the beginning.
The fifth in the series but the first I've read. It's good but I'm not totally smitten. Perhaps beginning with the first in the series would have helped me better appreciate Fiona's idiosyncrasies.
My son‘s graduation in July 🎉
No goals, just carry on reading!!
Best of 2018- picture above. Worst - just too many and listing them would like be living them again, moving on....
No resolutions- they never work!
Tagged is the first book - finished today.
Brilliant crime thriller - yet again Fiona‘s thought processes are so different to everyone else‘s!!
The caving bits were extremely claustrophobic 😱😱
#2019readinggoals - first of #booked2019 #femaledetective #winter
#newbeginnings #anewchapter
New year - new book.
My first for #booked2019 #winter #femaledetective
I would love to finish today but our guests left at 3.30am and my eyes keep shutting!!
So every other Friday afternoon, I volunteer in one of my local libraries... last time I was there I created a review for this book and this is part of the new display!
Another excellent Fiona Griffiths book. This one might be the creepiest I've read. On to book 6 whenever my mum or the library gets it.
Fiona and I have similar Christmas-shopping strategies 😊 (although I would at least finish up in the queue before leaving).
Hanging out with Smaug and Fiona on this cold #litsypartyofone weekend.
Fiona is beginning to become one of those annoying people who wouldn‘t get into trouble if she just told people her plans. Interesting medieval church lessons. Don‘t like the international criminal plot line as all popular novels/tv shows seem to go there
I love this series and the protagonist, Fiona Griffiths. I love a complex character.