Back at work & trying to balance daycare along with usual expenses 🤑 this book has been helpful! Here‘s hoping it‘s an extra thousand a month helpful 💸 we saved enough for this year but I better start working some money magic 💵 😅
Back at work & trying to balance daycare along with usual expenses 🤑 this book has been helpful! Here‘s hoping it‘s an extra thousand a month helpful 💸 we saved enough for this year but I better start working some money magic 💵 😅
Aliche outlines ten basic areas of finance along w/a step-by-step to improve those areas. She presents this information in a manner that's clear & simple to understand. While some of these concepts & plans might be logical (at least, I thought they were), I found it reassuring to know I'm on the right track. I also found it helpful to read about the areas that I'm less familiar with, and I plan to revisit them again. A helpful & worthwhile read.
Very good, lots of practical advice!!!!
1. Ooh, tough question. 3 faves so far: Ireland (particularly Galway but really all of Ireland); Bozeman, MT; Aix-en—Provence, France
2. Massages
3. Tagged. I finished it last week. My current NF read is Think Again by Adam Grant
4. That it‘s a short work week. (Today is my Monday.)
Thanks for the tag Sherri! 😘 Great questions as always!
I checked this book out from the library after seeing some of the Bugetnista‘s posts. I like the way she breaks it down into 10 easy chapters, including a chapter on insurance.
This is a must-read especially for young adults just starting out or anyone who needs to get their finances back in shape. For me (middle-aged, middle-career, & I have a MBA), it was good to see that I‘m already doing what she suggests.
Tiffany Aliche offers small manageable steps to improve your money management and wealth building. I liked how she clearly and simply broke down the investment chapter.