Covering study hall for @WanderingBookaneer and I obviously grabbed something off her shelf to pass the time. This book made me chuckle. Couldn't decide on only one, so I included four good ones 😂
Covering study hall for @WanderingBookaneer and I obviously grabbed something off her shelf to pass the time. This book made me chuckle. Couldn't decide on only one, so I included four good ones 😂
The perfect opportunity to use this pun is the silver lining of hurricane season.
#SeeWhatIDidThere #ItsAPunderfulLife
First World Problems: 63 Things That Totally Suck by Gemma Correll is the book I read but it's not listed on Litsy. I can't say I blame Litsy though because it wasn't that great of a book. It was pretty meh. I guess all books can't be great. Now that's a first world problem!