2022 stats: 39 books read
Favorites: Matrix - Lauren Groff / Hamnet - Maggie o‘Farrell / Nightbitch - Rachel Yoder
2023 mission: 10 library/10 home
2022 stats: 39 books read
Favorites: Matrix - Lauren Groff / Hamnet - Maggie o‘Farrell / Nightbitch - Rachel Yoder
2023 mission: 10 library/10 home
I finished 111 books this year, including my last one for the year at 11:58pm. I really embraced the audiobook this year. I find I can take in so much more that way. I also find it much more comfortable to listen to an audiobook while on the bus than reading a physical book or ebook.
#2022 #recap #newyear #happynewyear #HappyHogmony #happy2023
Seems I have a month of sea fog to look forward to - as the fog gathers over the cold North Sea and then daytime breezes move it inland! So no T shirts and shorts just yet!
Beginning of the month - dipping into my almanac. It was in March 1891 that a violent heavy snowstorm in the U.K. introduced a new word into the English language - blizzard.
This year - the first day of the month is almanac reading day! I‘m learning so much! Did you know in the U.K. February gives us 2 extra hours of light, is the driest month of the year and the month the farmers wish for snow to keep the soils warm - protecting them from the Siberian winds!
Wishing all my fellow Littens a happy and healthy 2022!!!
Thanks to everyone who hosted and posted and contributed to making the last year a little less isolating. I'm so looking forward to seeing what the new year brings.
Ringing in the year with one of my favourite activities: updating spreadsheets, getting ready for some new and ongoing challenges, including #Bookspin etc..., #Foodandlit22 and #NYWD22.
My 2021 wrap-up is in the comments.
Treated myself to these two this week. Having newly relocated from city to countryside feel I need to be better connected to what‘s happening around me! Looking forward to a ritual of starting every day with some snippets of useful knowledge! Advanced notice- I may bore you with my “I didn‘t know that” moments! 🤣🤣🤣