3.5 - soft pick
Well-written stories. I liked her writing style with the touches of humor. Of course, I connected with some stories more than others, but at the end of the day, I doubt the stories will stick with me.
3.5 - soft pick
Well-written stories. I liked her writing style with the touches of humor. Of course, I connected with some stories more than others, but at the end of the day, I doubt the stories will stick with me.
My current #LMPBC collection of short stories is on its way to @Jadams1776 It should be there by Monday or Tuesday of next week!! #Round14 #GroupC
Well written and I highly recommend! I saw myself at various stages of my own life, as well as my mother and my grandmother, in Wolitzer‘s female protagonists in this collection of short stories. I liked that the central protagonist appeared in different stories at different points in her own growth. It made me consider my life as it has been shaped by my mother and her mother before her. I‘ll be thinking about this for some time to come!! 4.5/5⭐️
A soft pick for this short story collection about domestic life in the 1970s. 🤐 for anything else because this is my #LMPBC #Round14GroupC pick. Now to transcribe all my notes into the book!
Cold, overcast morning. Excellent for reading with your dog! (Although I think she‘d rather be up going for a walk. 😏)
Current at-work reading, recommended and lent to me by a very good co-worker. How could I even try to resist that title?