I invite you to spend some time with Adriel Ronegar: mage, historian, and reluctant hero. His story beings in the novel Volcifer's Child, which you can find here: https://buy.bookfunnel.com/muo7i4tm1z
-- Jon D.
I invite you to spend some time with Adriel Ronegar: mage, historian, and reluctant hero. His story beings in the novel Volcifer's Child, which you can find here: https://buy.bookfunnel.com/muo7i4tm1z
-- Jon D.
Meet Kenlen Travalla, a veteran of the Kennoxian Wars, in Volcifer's Child, a novel of The Black Craft Saga.
#fantasy #TBCS
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Aileen Penrose was the Kingdom of Malakanth's most famous latter-day historian. She honored the great chronicler Westen the Quill (a former king of Malakanth and fellow historian) with her work while maintaining stringent levels of accuracy when recording events from the past. In addition, Penrose developed a wide range of magical techniques to ensure the veracity of her historical works, all of which were considered illegal.
Quote from Westen, King of Malakanth. To learn more visit Obricon.com.
I'm reposting this quote from Amandi Talbro. My last version had a typo. *sigh* It happens.