And some whisks.
The second novel in the Maddie Pastore series is quite enjoyable. But slow, at the moment, but enjoyable.
The second novel in the Maddie Pastore series is quite enjoyable. But slow, at the moment, but enjoyable.
It's actually in between a pick and a so-so.
I've read Miley before. She has a nice style, easy to read. Her mysteries are down to earth and plausible, which l like.
But the setup at the beginning is soooo long and l'm not sure it adds anything to the story. In the middle, a lot of things happen, some clearly left opened for a sequel. The end is quick and kind of abrupt.
Good characters. Nice but didascalic historical setting. Quick, fun read.
Miley's style is easy to read. Learning about spiritualism in the 1920s is fun, and getting into the time with all its characteristic is interesting.
But at 33% in, l'm quite ready for the story to start 🙄
It certainly feels like Miley is taking a lot of time to get this story going. But she's s good writer, and l'm still with her.