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The Observations
The Observations | Jane Harris
12 posts | 11 read | 28 to read
Scotland, 1863. In an attempt to escape her not-so-innocent past in Glasgow, Bessy Buckley - the wide-eyed Irish heroine of The Observations - takes a job as a maid in a big house outside Edinburgh working for the beautiful Arabella. Bessy is intrigued by her new employer, but puzzled by her increasingly strange requests and her insistence that Bessy keep a journal of her most intimate thoughts. And it seems that Arabella has a few secrets of her own - including her near-obsessive affection for Nora, a former maid who died in mysterious circumstances.
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The Observations | Jane Harris
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The Observations | Jane Harris
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Crazeedi 💖 6y
Megara I feel Sherlock Holmes energy in these quotes. 6y
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The Observations | Jane Harris
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Last week was highly successful. I finished all four books! So let‘s try it again. Four new books this week. #bookgoals #weeklyreads

The Observations | Jane Harris

Putting this back onto my TBR pile as I am just not feeling it right now. I‘m about a 1/4 into it and haven‘t quite had it grab me yet. Will probably try it again eventually.

The Observations | Jane Harris
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It feels so good to put a small dent in my TBD list. Having finished 4 books this past week, I am onto “The Observations.”

The Observations | Jane Harris
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Added some new books to my TBR List. #thriftstore #wheretostart #toomuchtoreadtoittletime

TheBookKeepers I enjoyed The Secret Life of Bees! 7y
Tianarose @TheBookKeepers I‘m looking forward to it. Loved the movie! 7y
Jess7 The shadow of the wind is on my TBR. It was on Rory‘s reading list :-) 7y
Tianarose @Jess7, I love Gilmore girls! I just looked up the list. It‘s a hefty one, 339 books she read or referenced throughout the series! (edited) 7y
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The Observations | Jane Harris
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#junetunz #onemoretry I enjoyed Gillespie and I by Jane Harris, but wasn't too sure about the ending. I will be giving her another try though!

Cinfhen Sounds promising, I haven't read this author yet! 7y
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The Observations | Jane Harris
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#readjanuary This book was recommended to me by Australian author Kate Forsyth, after we were discussing Jane Harris' novel Gillespie and I on Twitter. I love that social media gives me access to my favourite authors, and they talk about their favourite authors. Haven't read it yet, but I look forward to it! #recommendedby #historicalfiction

LeahBergen I loved this one. 👍🏼 8y
KerriNTurner @LeahBergen I found her book Gillespie and I very well written but very unsettling. Keen to get a copy of this one and see how it unfolds! 8y
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The Observations | Jane Harris
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While you need to be pretty short to easily push them, yes, our library does have shopping carts! My youngest kiddo had a blast filing up her cart today. @MrBook #LitsyLovesLibraries

MrBook 😳😱😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻!!! 8y
saresmoore Oh, so adorable! 8y
MicheleinPhilly The Viking hat is 👌🏼. So cute! 8y
RobinW That is such a cute idea. 8y
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The Observations | Jane Harris
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Observation of the day: libraries should have shopping carts. Baskets too, but definitely shopping carts. Who's with me on this one?! 😎👍🏻 #LitsyLovesLibraries

LeahBergen I just need to say that I loved the tagged book here ... 👍🏼 (edited) 8y
TheLondonBookworm Hella yeah!!! That would make my life so much easier- a lot of book shops near me don't do it either 😯 8y
DaniRa While a part of me agrees, I believe baskets would suffice (for bookstores too) I work in retail and it is amazing the damage people inflict with shopping carts 🛒 . So for the sake of book lovers and retailers sanity I choose hand baskets 😁 8y
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Hooked_on_books Yes, totally! Powell's has baskets. I'd be in trouble otherwise. 8y
Tanner I always get the cart with the wobbly wheel, so I vote basket. Or maybe those baskets on wheels‽ (edited) 8y
I-read-and-eat Baskets please! Too often have I been running around with a huge pile of books, not being able to see anything 😊 8y
freyaheart Also big soft chairs 8y
Faibka Yes! I'm all for it 🤓📚📚📚 8y
Ellsbeth My library has shopping carts!! Of course, they are kid sized and housed in the children's section. My kids love them. I'll snag a picture the next time we go. 8y
Mimi28 I pretty much know my library by heart now. Now they have all the recently returned books right by the check out desk, and that is pretty much all I am interested in so it's very convenient. I get most of my books sent to this library and now they are keeping books I had sent there, lol 8y
quietjenn More than one library I've worked in had baskets. They're super popular! 8y
Ruri_kaichou My library has the option of both. If you don't think a basket is enough, there are inserts to place the basket to a small cart 8y
Ruri_kaichou @Ellsbeth so does my library! My toddler also loves it 8y
stacybmartin That would be great - that's why I always take my giant tote bags now. How else can I check out 20 books at a time?? 😂 8y
Peddler410 My library has baskets, but I always bring a bag. My daughter has managed to fit 52 books -- picture books and chapter books -- in our library bag. We never seem to be able to get them all back in again at check out 🤔 8y
mcipher I want either one - I get stuck with huge piles or an overflowing grocery bag every time!! 8y
LA_Mead Mine offers free reusable totes...they're pretty cute too. 8y
Chrys My library actually does have a few very small shopping carts 😀 8y
MyNamesParadise lol I always bring my own tote bag! Got to be prepared!! 8y
Cortg Our libraries have baskets like at the grocery store. I couldn't imagine some patrons with a cart though 😬 8y
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The Observations | Jane Harris

A very well done and engaging read for fans of historical fiction. One of my favourites!