Thank you so much, my friend. You are so kind. Your books are always great, so I look forward to reading this. And oh how I love fold-up bags for my purse. I am so grateful for our friendship. 😘
Thank you so much, my friend. You are so kind. Your books are always great, so I look forward to reading this. And oh how I love fold-up bags for my purse. I am so grateful for our friendship. 😘
Some Uganda writers...
Novel, poetry, fiction and nonfiction... did you already read some of them?
#foodandlit #foodandlit2023 by @catsandbooks @texreader
To know a little more read
Can a book be an epic but also without a particularly strong plot? There was lots I really enjoyed about this book - the Ugandan origin stories, the family relationships the feminism and the smattering of historical backdrop but I also find myself a little disappointed by the lack of meaty story and how little change happens. It‘s a pick as it‘s also beautifully richly written but maybe could have been more? #reafingafrica #uganda
Mixed feelings about this one; the coming of age story of Kirabo, which begins with her desperate longing to find her mother, and dips back into the lives of her grandparents. I found parts entirely gripping, then parts which struggled to keep my attention and I‘m not entirely sure why. I did however love the exploration of feminism in a patriarchal society and the strong women who fill the story.
I've completed my 1st book for #ReadingAfrica2022, Jennifer Makumbi's "The First Woman", set in #Uganda ?? mainly in '70s-80s. I'd imagined from the blurb it would be heavily mythological, but it wasn't, rather it was a story told within the cultural frame of reference of its setting and main protagonist, and which evolved as they did.
The book follows the growth of Kirabo from childhood into young womanhood, taking in themes of patriarchy??
This is my first book for #readingafrica2022, and at over 400 pages is a lot chonkier than I normally go for, but it also sounds really interesting, being grounded in Ugandan folklore.
My approach to the reading theme is to focus on authors from African countries I haven't 'visited' before, so currently the map is blank as I've been rather parochial in my reading so far this year and haven't ventured out of Britain.
#FallTreasures Day 13: This seems to be a #LesserKnownBook, thus far, and I am excited to dig deep into this one. Recent book find from Kinokuniya.