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Hurricanes! | Gail Gibbons
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Hurricanes! | Gail Gibbons
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I got woken up this morning by this beast coming in. We have very light rain and thunder right now. It‘s been pretty windy since last night. They say we never have had a hurricane coming through before. Ummm Nora in 97… lol. I hope everyone in this path will be safe and your homes have no to minimal damage. 💛

Librarybelle Stay safe! 13mo
Roary47 @Librarybelle Thank you! We stocked up on supplies just in case our electricity goes out. I think we are far enough away, but we thought it better to be prepared. 13mo
AmyG Wow. Stay safe. I just saw this on the news. 13mo
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vonnie862 Yeah, we're waiting for it. We're going shopping in a few minutes for supplies just in case. Stay safe! 13mo
dabbe The weather gods strike again. First, a draught and 115+ days, now this. Holy Toledo, Batman! 😱 13mo
Ruthiella Yup. Due to hit my area tomorrow. Stay safe! (edited) 13mo
BarbaraJean It‘s due to hit here (LA/Orange County) tomorrow—my husband cancelled his outdoor jazz concert that was scheduled for tomorrow afternoon, and this afternoon we got word that our church service is shifting to Zoom. I don‘t think we‘ll get much more than heavy rain, but still. Crazy times. 13mo
Roary47 @BarbaraJean Wow! Hopefully, it‘s not needed but glad everyone is playing it safe. It‘s been raining all day here, and we are far enough away ish. @Ruthiella @vonnie862 I hope you are all safe and can just enjoy some relaxing sounds to reading. 💛 13mo
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Hurricanes! | Gail Gibbons

Thinking of and sending prayers for those Littens dealing with Ian…both after, now and in the future. Be safe. 🙏💕

Hurricanes! | Gail Gibbons
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See that dot? I‘m a half inch to the north of that dot. Pray for us! I will be reading and coloring through the storm. How are my other Louisiana people? #louisiana

AmyG Oy. I hope you stay safe. 3y
Slajaunie Thanks! @AmyG 3y
Librarybelle Stay safe! 3y
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Ruthiella Stay safe! ❤️ 3y
MaureenMc 🙏💗🙏 3y
JessClark78 Stay safe. 3y
BookwormAHN We're ready and hoping not to loose electricity for a week like in Gustav, but I have books and candles. Stay safe. 3y
Slajaunie I have a feeling we will not have electricity for a while. Stay safe as well! @BookwormAHN 3y
Smartypants I hope all of you will be safe and there is minimal impact to your lives. ❤️ 3y
CarolynM Stay safe 3y
Sungirl79 Stay safe!! 3y
Catsandbooks Safe wishes! I'm in Vicksburg,MS. So not as bad as you. But we're prepared as best as we can be! (edited) 3y
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Hurricanes! | Gail Gibbons
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So this is my current weather forecast. I am doing my usual storm prep: batteries, food, water, fuel, BOOKS and WINE. 🤔😜

Made a pit stop at the library to grab a few extra reads. Ereader is charged.

Ready to go.

MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Stay safe! Sounds like you‘ve got the important stuff! 😅 3y
slategreyskies Stay safe!! Glad you‘ve got books & wine!! 3y
Jas16 Stay safe! 3y
robinb Be safe! 3y
BookwormAHN Also doing hurricane prep, yuck. Stay safe. 3y
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Hurricanes! | Gail Gibbons
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We weren‘t meant to see the effects of Elsa until later tonight but I guess she didn‘t get the message. And yes, there is a traffic light somewhere in that photo. LoL Perfect reading weather! #florida

Sharpeipup Guess I went home just in time. Be safe! 3y
dylanisreading Stay safe! 3y
Tera66 Be safe! 3y
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Gissy Be safe!❤️ 3y
Trashcanman Be safe!!!🤗 3y
Trashcanman Just realized this was two months ago 3y
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Hurricanes! | Gail Gibbons

Hello, Litsy! We survived Hurricane Laura, which hit our area of NW Louisiana as a Cat 1, with no damage to home or property. Our power was out for 47 hours and I made arrangements this morning for lodging for people and cat, and just as we started to pack the power came back on! We‘ve been very lucky - lost the contents of the refrigerator and were uncomfortable for a while, but that‘s it. Hope you‘re all safe and well too!

Butterfinger That's wonderful. 4y
Librariana So glad you and your family are safe! 💜 Hope things only continue to improve. 4y
rachelm Glad you are all okay!! 💕💕 4y
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MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Very glad to hear you are safe and well! ❤️❤️❤️ 4y
DaveGreen7777 Glad you made it through okay! 4y
Hooked_on_books That‘s so great! I‘m glad the power‘s back on. 4y
ravenlee Thanks everyone! @Butterfinger @Librariana @rachelm @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @DaveGreen7777 @Hooked_on_books It‘s sure been a long few days. I‘m hoping for a return to normal (as normal as it gets these days, anyway) and some reading time soon! 4y
LeahBergen So good to hear! 💙💙 4y
thebacklistbook Glad to hear you made it through. 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Happy to hear you & your family are safe! 💛 4y
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Hurricanes! | Gail Gibbons
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We‘re getting ready for a BOGO sale here in NOLA. Hope this isn‘t what is really coming.

Texreader Oh oh dear. Take care!! 4y
BookwormAHN Yeah, because in 2020 we can't just have one 🤦🏼‍♀️ 4y
julesG Stay safe! This year is "pants-on-head crazy"! 4y
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MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Hope you‘re all staying safe! 2020 just keeps on rolling with the punches... 4y
PaperbackPirate Good luck! 💙 4y
Cosmos_Moon @Texreader @BookwormAHN @julesG @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @PaperbackPirate thank you! Yes, this year is nuts. This will not be good for us down here, especially all the ones already struggling with job losses and evictions. I am worried about our house and cars, but I still feel fortunate that I have these things. Such a crazy year and crazy world. 4y
i.besteph Oh no! I can‘t even this imagine on top of everything else. Stay safe 😓🙏🏽 4y
Cosmos_Moon @AnotherMissBennet thank you 🥰 so far not much is happening. It looks like Marco won‘t be bad for us, but Laura could be worse. 4y
TheBookHippie Gah!!!!! Hope you guys are all okay!!! 4y
Cosmos_Moon @TheBookHippie thank you! New Orleans has dodged this one. We‘re getting some rain and a bit of wind, but nothing major. I am sad for the people to the west of us. It was very bad there overnight from Laura. 4y
TheBookHippie @Cosmos_Moon 😩 they seem to be getting more destructive 😬 glad you‘re okay! 4y
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Hurricanes! | Gail Gibbons
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Hurricanes! is a great informational book by Gail Gibbons. It is a NF picture book that would be great for PR. The book talks about hurricanes from a scientific approach and a historical approach as it discusses the past hurricanes and the things that we have learned from them. #ucflae3414su20

Ameyer32 I would use ESOL strategy number 1, teach questioning for clarification. I would ask many questions during the reading and also encourage the student to ask questions which goes along with ESOL strategy number 6 which is to continually monitor student's comprehension during the PR. I would use UDL 2.1 clarify vocabulary and symbols as there are a lot of tier 2 and tier 3 words in this text. (edited) 4y
Ameyer32 Some resources to go along with this book can be located at https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/ where kids can interact with current systems and view information on past and present hurricanes. (edited) 4y
DrSpalding Partner reading would work well with these texts. They do have higher level vocabulary included as do many nonfiction texts! These books would be a fabulous complement to your science curriculum. Students will be able to make text to self connections. 4y
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