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Minor Detail
Minor Detail | Adania Shibli
29 posts | 20 read | 23 to read
A searing, beautiful novel meditating on war, violence, memory, and the sufferings of the Palestinian people Minor Detail begins during the summer of 1949, one year after the war that the Palestinians mourn as the Nakbathe catastrophe that led to the displacement and exile of some 700,000 peopleand the Israelis celebrate as the War of Independence. Israeli soldiers murder an encampment of Bedouin in the Negev desert, and among their victims they capture a Palestinian teenager and they rape her, kill her, and bury her in the sand. Many years later, in the near-present day, a young woman in Ramallah tries to uncover some of the details surrounding this particular rape and murder, and becomes fascinated to the point of obsession, not only because of the nature of the crime, but because it was committed exactly twenty-five years to the day before she was born. Adania Shibli masterfully overlays these two translucent narratives of exactly the same length to evoke a present forever haunted by the past.
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Minor Detail | Adania Shibli
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#SpringSkies Day 7: There literally is no #Escape from the tension in the story, palpable to the point of suffocation. I felt the protagonist‘s defiance battling with terror. My full review here: https://wp.me/pDlzr-qhH

Eggs Sounds powerful! 2mo
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Minor Detail | Adania Shibli

Woah. Heavy for sure. The casual, cold narrative of the first half - never personal - about the horrific actions of the soldiers, contrasted to the deeply personal and interior first person narrative of the second half. Both women met the same terrible tragic end, for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. So little has changed in 70 years. This is honest and unsentimental. Very good!!

Minor Detail | Adania Shibli
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For a little over 100 pages, this is a very heavy, yet timely book. Told in two sections, the first details the Israeli settlements in the Negev and a horrible crime that happens. The second section is a Palestinian narrator many years later who tries to find more information about the incident. It is a story of the ravages and horrors of war and displacement.

Tamra This was a devastatingly well written story. Reminds me I need to get a copy for my shelves. Worthy of a reread. 4mo
BarbaraBB This sounds very timely. Stacking 4mo
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Minor Detail | Adania Shibli
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Based on true events, this is a fictional account of a woman who was sexually assaulted by isreali soldiers.

Split into two timelines, 1949 and the other more recent, we experience Palastine.

This book is heavy. The heat, the sand, the occupation, you can feel the intensity in each sentence. For such a short book, it's exhausting, but necessary.

Five stars. Do pick this one up folks.

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Minor Detail | Adania Shibli
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You may have heard of this book because it was set to receive the 2023 LiBeraturpreis Award at the Frankfurt Book Fair but its ceremony was controversially cancelled in the wake of the October 7th Hamas attack on Israel. This subtly written yet searing novella powerfully demonstrates the horrors of the Palestinian experience and the violence colonialism inflicts not only marginalized bodies, but on history, geography, and memory.

DimeryRene Love to see folks reading this. 🇵🇸 6mo
breadnroses 🇵🇸❤️✌️ 5mo
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Minor Detail | Adania Shibli
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#HumbleHarvest Day 24: Finally found a copy (two actually) of this #Novella that I have been looking for - all copies sold out in the Emirates. Finally found it today in a book shop here in Bologna - the same bookshop my PhD candidate student recommended that I go to after visiting a day earlier. When I messaged her that I found tagged book, turns out she didn‘t notice it at all while she was here yesterday. Naturally, I got her the other copy. 💕

Hooked_on_books I thought this was terrific. Emotionallly tough read. And don‘t read the description (if you haven‘t already)—it gives too much away! 7mo
Eggs Well done 👍🏼 📚👏🏻 7mo
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Minor Detail | Adania Shibli
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I read this because it was denied an award ceremony that it deserved. It was on the liberate with literature reading challenge too. Highly, highly recommend. 10/10.

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Minor Detail | Adania Shibli
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Also reading this for Black Booktok‘s Liberate with Literature Challenge. 🇵🇸🍉🇵🇸🍉🇵🇸🍉

Minor Detail | Adania Shibli
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🚨FYI libro.fm is offering this audiobook for free through this weekend

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Minor Detail | Adania Shibli
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Beautifully and tragically haunting.

Whose stories matter to tell? Who matters to be remembered? To be missed?

Who is a minor detail?

Suet624 Great questions. 1y
batsy You've reminded me that I've been meaning to read this! 1y
Tamra @batsy it‘s worth it! 😁 1y
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Minor Detail | Adania Shibli
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A little over hundred pages, this story about the Israeli occupation of Palestine was written over a decade. This explains why it reads like a perfectly measured yet brilliantly written piece of political fiction with not a single word out of place. Beginning in 1948 and ending a few decades later, we are shown in immaculate language the effect of war and the importance of memory. Highly recommend.

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Minor Detail | Adania Shibli
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What a great year of reading. Some of my top reads: Minor Detail, Passing, Piranesi, The Undocumented Americans, Summerwater, The Overstory, Fault Lines, Interior Chinatown, Swimming Home, How The One Armed Sister Sweeps Her House, Infinate Country, Matrix, and Hell of a Book. Here is to a wonder new year!

MinnieTimperley I loved Overstory and Piranese too. I will have to add your other favourites to my TBR list. 2y
ChaoticMissAdventures Matric, One-Armed Sister, and Piranesi made it onto my top of 2021 too! Such good reads and so different from each other.
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Minor Detail | Adania Shibli
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So nice to come back from holiday and find #bookmail waiting for me!

Jess @jhod - thank you so much for the book and your newsy letter. I‘ll write back soon! (And, no, I haven‘t read the book! 😁)

Minor Detail | Adania Shibli
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Haunting, poetic, impactful.

Minor Detail | Adania Shibli
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Picked up this #bookerlonglist pick from the local indie and am diving I

Hooked_on_books I liked this one. It‘s different, but it worked for me. 3y
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Minor Detail | Adania Shibli
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Many TW for this #Bookerlonglist
Minor detail is a loaded and deviating title for this slim novella. The way the world has turned their backs on the Palestinian people is shown in start, bare and brutal writing and story telling.
The first and second half are laid out to effectively show the contrasting narrators. The difference between the first and second half of the book are jarring. 👇👇

ChaoticMissAdventures I had a moment of being a bit bored as the narrator drives, but then to come to the realization that the area used to be Palestinian and used to be populated the trauma that allows for the emptiness is devastating 3y
charl08 I'm in a bookgroup which read this - the translator spoke to us about the book. There's a podcast of the discussion here: https://m.soundcloud.com/user-41111498-859108077/series-3-episode-5-minor-detail sorry if this isn't useful! 3y
ChaoticMissAdventures @charl08 how lucky. Thank you so much, I will definitely listen. It must have been a difficult book to translate. So complex and brutal. 3y
charl08 @ChaoticMissAdventures yes, it's really widened my reading - we're off to Cuba next week, and then to China. Always fascinating to hear how the different translators work. 3y
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Minor Detail | Adania Shibli
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A reluctant re-read for #InternationalBookerPrize2021

The story effectively raises questions about whose stories are being told, whether our focus is in the right place, access to information, and how we understand/navigate borders. The detached style is powerful & uncomfortable - to the point where (again) I found the first half almost unreadable.

rockpools And the frequent overlaps between past and present were skillfully done. I may not have liked the book, but I think Shibli is a talented author, with interesting things to say. 3y
rockpools 📷 by jdblack on Pixabay. And yes, I‘m still focusing on irrelevant details like terebinth trees & cane grass (and access to archives). 3y
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Minor Detail | Adania Shibli
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The International booker shortlist will be announced on Thursday, & I‘m trying to squeeze in another 1 or 2 from the Longlist. I‘ve been putting off this re-read by Googling terebinth trees. And Sainsbury‘s are due now, so I may just have to put it off again. (It‘s an effective book, but I really don‘t want to read it again!)

But isn‘t the tree lovely?

📷 Terebinth Tree by Eitan_f CC-BY-SA 3.0 https://bit.ly/3drsAHK

TrishB The tree is lovely ❤️ 3y
rockpools @TrishB I might just admire trees all day instead of reading today 🌳🌴🌲🌴🌳 Have a good weekend, Trish! 3y
Freespirit It looks like it grows in a barren landscape...so hardy! 3y
BookwormM Memory is getting me the same way a real struggle 3y
rockpools @BookwormM Still struggling to work out what I want to say about this one. Will get it to you asap! 3y
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Minor Detail | Adania Shibli
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The story is divided into two parts: the first takes place in 1949: an unnamed officer responsible for the gang rape and the murder of a Bedouin girl is reflected, mainly in details, in the second part (which takes place in the present), when - also an unnamed woman, investigates what exactly happened. The story itself is shocking, but I think that the strongest point of this book is the narrative style (in the first part third ... 👇

Simona ... in the second a first-person narration) and extremely descriptive prose, using details (barking, petroleum, individual military objects, body movements ...) make both stories synchronous. #InternationalBookerPrize2021 3y
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Minor Detail | Adania Shibli
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#ReadingAsia21 #Palestine I‘m probably not the most objective reader so take my review in stride. This worked for me in some ways and failed in others. The detached writing was effective but the rambling, repetitive prose fell flat. As someone who shares her daily life with Arabs, Jews and other ethnicities, I‘m always disappointed when an author decides to highlight negative stereotypes & perpetuate the image of brutality & aggression. 👇🏽

Cinfhen I find these types of stories more harmfulI than helpful. I sadly acknowledge terrible acts occur during war time and they can never be excused or rationalized, however I don‘t think it‘s accurate to assign an entire army or region as one specific way. I do think it‘s important for other voices to be heard, shared and read, so I‘m happy to have read outside my personal comfort zone. 3y
BarbaraBB What a thoughtful review. It must be frustrating for you to read biased accounts while you live in the middle of what everyone has an opinion about! Have you ever read David Grossman‘s ? 3y
BarbaraBB It is a chunkster but I loved how nuanced he wrote about Israel and Palestine. 3y
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Cinfhen No!!!! I really have too @BarbaraBB and I really appreciate your thoughtfulness and kindness ~ I‘m just sensitive but It‘s important to keep reading and learning. Everybody has different perspectives & experiences. 3y
BarbaraBB You should be sensitive and I love that you are always open for different perspectives (you read many books with a Palestine POV!) while ignorance and intolerance must be hard for you to deal with. 🤍 (edited) 3y
TrishB My mum was Irish and my grandad lost his leg being trampled by a British Army horse. My childhood was a study of Anglo/Irish problems - religious and otherwise. Everyone has an answer and an opinion on the Ireland/N.Ireland problem. Most don‘t actually know anything in detail. There are 2 sides to every story. We are always open to learning though ❤️ (edited) 3y
Suet624 @TrishB I thought I knew about the IRA and then I read Say Nothing. I wish I could sit with you and hear your family stories. 3y
Librarybelle Very thoughtful ❤️❤️❤️ 3y
Cinfhen Thanks @Librarybelle 😘 3y
Cinfhen Agreed @Suet624 I‘m sure that was a complicated family dynamic @TrishB / It‘s vital to read, ask, learn because there is so much we don‘t know and there are actually many more than 2 sides to a story. 3y
TrishB @Cinfhen very true ❤️ 3y
TrishB @Suet624 I learned many things from Say Nothing too! 3y
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Minor Detail | Adania Shibli
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This novella of #Palestine is really 2 long short stories that intertwine and reflect one another, exploring the dangers of othering a people so that they are seen as less than. It‘s devastating and makes me think. Don‘t read the publisher‘s description, though, as it gives far too much of the story away.


Leftcoastzen 🐶 3y
BarbaraBB Great cover! 3y
Librarybelle Good advice! Sometimes I think the blurbs do give too much of the story away... 3y
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Minor Detail | Adania Shibli
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Catching up with a couple of reviews I didn‘t get round to writing a few weeks ago.

This is a novel of two halves, quite literally. The first tells the story of an army officer in 1947, clearing an area of Arabs. A young Palestinian girl is gang raped and murdered. The story - and writing - are excruciating. And cold.

rockpools We then jump to modern day, a Palestinian woman who becomes obsessed with the incident, sure she can learn the girl‘s story through the minor details passed over in the official reports.

I almost bailed before finishing part 1, but was completely engaged by the second half, and the day-to-day realities of the woman‘s life. I don‘t remember reading a book where inequality of access to
rockpools information was a key plot point. I found it shocking, but am fairly sure this is a book that will stay with me. 4y
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Minor Detail | Adania Shibli
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So…I didn‘t mean to, but I went to Cannon Beach Book Company and these all jumped into my arms. 😬 I‘m excited, as the bottom row are all NBA longlisted titles from the translated literature list! 🥳 I have one more planned bookstore shop on this trip, and it‘s a doozy (Powell‘s), so we‘ll see how much more damage I do!

vivastory Enlightenment is fantastic! One of my favorites of the year! Looking forward to your Powell's haul 📚📚📚 4y
LeahBergen Ooo! I can‘t wait to see what you get at Powell‘s. 👏🏻 4y
Crazeedi It's so funny how books manage to follow you out of a store...😉❣ 4y
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arubabookwoman You are visiting 2 of my favorite places—Cannon Beach and Powell‘s! 4y
Leftcoastzen Yay Cannon Beach! 4y
BarbaraBB You‘re having a good time in Oregon! It all sounds perfect! 4y
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Minor Detail | Adania Shibli
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Minor Detail | Adania Shibli
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Photo via unsplash

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Minor Detail | Adania Shibli
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rockpools Me too! I‘m going to actually try and get there this week 😬 4y
charl08 @rockpools 🤞❤ 4y
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Minor Detail | Adania Shibli
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This looks really interesting!
