Glad I finally listened to this! I've had it as a physical book on my shelf for a while, and just never seemed to find the time for it. It was a cute story. 😊
Glad I finally listened to this! I've had it as a physical book on my shelf for a while, and just never seemed to find the time for it. It was a cute story. 😊
Having the kind of day where my Libby app doesn't work and I have to reinstall it just to listen to my current audiobook. 😒
#30junebooks #underrated @howjessreads I find the romance genre as a whole to be underrated. Romance authors don‘t get enough credit! Sure you get some poorly written fluff, but that happens in any genre. I have read bad romances but I‘ve also read some really amazing stories. Pictured are just a few of my faves.
Ugh. I opened up my Libby to see I only have two days left on this one, so I guess I‘ll be finishing it on my way to work tomorrow. I‘ve been enjoying it, though I‘m not finding it as good as most of her of her other books. Maybe it‘s because I‘m not huge on #historicalfiction
Disappointing. The romance was lacklustre and the mystery/thriller/adventure plot was lacking. No one really felt fully rounded and it was no where near as funny as Evanovich can be (even compared to her other books with co-writers). Hey ho.
Back at the youth hostel again ahead of another 0500 shift tomorrow and this is the paperback I bought with me. It‘s been sitting on the to read shelf for ages and this seems like the right time of year to read it!
As I assemble my #cupidgoespostal package, this seemed an appropriate book.
I really liked this book. My only complaint is that i wish the ending was played out differently and had more depth.
I thoroughly enjoyed this. Different for Evanovich but well written. I wish there were more books in this series.
I bought this a while ago because I think Evanovitch is hilarious... But then I read another book the she co-authored and it was super disappointing. I can't quite get past that disappointment enough to want to dig into this 😑 Anyone have an autobuy author with a book you found super disappointing?