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Poisoned | Jennifer Donnelly
35 posts | 25 read | 19 to read
Beautiful Sophie, with lips as red as blood, skin as pale as snow, and hair as dark as night, is about to come of age and inherit her father's throne. But Sophie's stepmother wants rid of her - beautiful she may be, but too weak and foolish to reign. And Sophie believes her, as she believes all the things that have been said about her - all the poisonous words people use to keep girls like her from becoming too powerful, too strong. When the huntsman carries out his orders of killing Sophie, she finds a fire burning inside her that will not be extinguished, and sets off to reclaim what was taken from her. Jennifer Donnelly turns her feminist eye to this most delicious of fairy tales and shows Snow White as she's never been seen before.
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Poisoned | Jennifer Donnelly
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Didn't like this at all. Three animal cruelty scenes (not graphic but still) in the first few chapters. Noping out of this one.

dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 3mo
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Poisoned | Jennifer Donnelly
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First book of 2022.This is an interesting and darker retelling of the Snow White tale. I liked the flow and the development of the characters. The plot was steady and slow burning but it worked with the story. I liked Sophie her strength builds as the story develops. The ending was really good though. A dark fairytale. 4*

tokorowilliamwallace You should submit it for your fairtytale retellings challenge that's going on here! Can't remember who hosts it, though. 2y
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Poisoned | Jennifer Donnelly
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Poisoned | Jennifer Donnelly
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Sophia starts out as a standard fairy tale princess that the story happens to, but through many attempts on her life and eye opening events, she grows into a strong character in her own right. I enjoyed the fantasy aspects of this story, the side characters, and the message of love and compassion as a strength. This is a great YA Snow White retelling.

#YA #TRS2021

JazzFeathers Needs!!!! 3y
Daisey @JazzFeathers Yes! If you get a chance to read it, I‘d like to hear what you think. 3y
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Poisoned | Jennifer Donnelly
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“From sadness came empathy. From grief came compassion. From anger came resolve. From loss came love. These are the things that make us get up when we fall. Try again when we fail. These are the most valuable jewels.”

#Quote #TRS2021

Poisoned | Jennifer Donnelly
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Reading a few more pages of this Snow White retelling tonight with the pets for company.

#YA #TRS2021 #CatsOfLitsy #DogsOfLitsy

Poisoned | Jennifer Donnelly
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Eggs Beautiful cover ☠️❤️☠️ 3y
TheSpineView @Eggs Agree!❤🍎🖤 3y
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Poisoned | Jennifer Donnelly
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5✨ I‘m an even bigger fan of Donnelly after this book. I loved the full well rounded story. I also enjoyed the real danger for the main characters, while it wasn‘t a perfect ending as Sophia- Snow White wanted it was a good ending for her.

Poisoned | Jennifer Donnelly

I really loved this, such a refreshing take on Snow white.
Sophie is led by a huntsman into the forest and is slain.
Her evil stepmother is determined to get rid of any who could rival her.
But in a quirk of fate Sophie doesn't die, she wakes up and is shocked to find herself surrounded by a band of dwarves who have fashioned her a clockwork heart.
There is just one tiny snag, the clock mechanism only has a limited time to run and beat...

Poisoned | Jennifer Donnelly
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5/5 for this retelling. I loved this Snow White retelling. It was so unique. Sophie was such a great character. She had so much growth throughout the book. The side characters were so fun. I loved the seven mysteries strangers. I love this author.

Poisoned | Jennifer Donnelly

Another lovely fairytale, carefully reworked by Donnelly's expert hand.
It took me a little while to get into, but eventually I couldn't put it down. There are a few derivative elements, but overall this is a wonderfully immersive fairytale retelling. I particularly like the King of Crows as an addition, and the way she wrote the seven brothers. Recommended for fairytale and folklore lovers!

Poisoned | Jennifer Donnelly
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My review of this book can be found on my Youtube Vlog at:



Poisoned | Jennifer Donnelly
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One of my favorite YA books this year. Great writing and a unique twist on Snow White.

Poisoned | Jennifer Donnelly
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I truly loved the allegorical nature of the story, which was especially apparent toward the end. Donnelly writes with such grace and possesses a profoundly poetic understanding of human nature. While I‘ve only read two of her books so far, they‘ve both been magically captivating. Poisoned eased its way onto my top reads of 2020 before I‘d even finished the story.

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Poisoned | Jennifer Donnelly

“Kindness is many things,” he said. “It is gentle. Tender. Tolerant. It is born of patience and faith. And sometimes, yes, it‘s dangerous. Helping a wounded animal that‘s likely to lash out, standing up for someone who‘s being taunted by bullies... these things are all dangerous. But to try to understand another creature, to put ourselves in their place, to help them - even when it costs us - that shows strength, Sophie, not weakness.”

CaffeineAndCandy ❤❤❤ 4y
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Poisoned | Jennifer Donnelly

There are many ways to take a heart.

And the King of Crows uses all methods; he shies from none.

He‘s happy to have it cut out all at once as I, the huntsman, did.

He‘s happy to have it taken piece by piece, year by year, like a miser hoarding coins, with punishing silences, biting glances, and love served cold.

Poisonous words do the job, too. They are as sharp as knives and leave their victims hollow.

Poisoned | Jennifer Donnelly
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Apple pie seems like a fitting choice given my current read.

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Poisoned | Jennifer Donnelly
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I am a sucker for fairy tale retellings. So I was excited to read this Snow White retelling and it didn‘t disappoint. I loved how the author put a spin on the fairy tale that we all know and love. From the way the book ended this author will be writing more books like this.

Only two more spaces left until another blackout bingo board!

#bookspinbingo space 18

Megabooks Awesome!! 4y
DinoMom I love fairytale retelling! So many creative ones out there. Haven‘t read this one yet. 4y
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Poisoned | Jennifer Donnelly
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Retelling of Snow White. Very dark and gruesome in places, but ultimately hopeful.

Poisoned | Jennifer Donnelly
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Don‘t get me wrong, I loved the plot line of the story. love how Sophie‘s kind heart became a strength when SHE realized it is power. It was all her development. It was how the story was written and other characters meandering that made it difficult to follow- didn‘t get much time besides helping. I was expecting more on a misunderstanding on the Stepmother, why she let fear decide and her unresolved story. Let alone the anticlimactic dual ending

Poisoned | Jennifer Donnelly
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The mention of kindness being a strength is strong in this book. I could quote almost half the book and it would come down to mentions of kindness being the most important thing you could be
I also think it‘s hilarious the mention of calculus here

Poisoned | Jennifer Donnelly
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“But to try to understand another creature, to put ourselves in their place, to help them-even when it costs us- that shows strength, Sophie, not weakness”
definitely more then I bargained for. I like the notion how Sophie is being told to lose her kind and fair heart, as it has no place as a ruler. She‘s not fighting hard for it though, we‘re still where she is letting it all happen around her. The stepmothers backstory gives a lot to consider

Poisoned | Jennifer Donnelly

Slander a king, and the slanderer will loose his head. Slander a Queen, and the Queen will loose hers.

Charityann I love this quote! This book is on my TBR for this month. I‘ve heard so many good things about this book and can‘t wait to read it.😁 4y
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Poisoned | Jennifer Donnelly
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Another nice and dark retelling.
I liked Step Sister a little bit more

Poisoned | Jennifer Donnelly
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This book was a SLOG. 1) this is a much more straightforward fairytale retelling than Stepsister, & therefore had much less avenues for ingenuity. 2) The writing started off great, but the metaphors grew increasingly clunky & overhanded, till I was actively rolling my eyes toward the end. 3) I disagreed with some of the themes (like casting Death as the ultimate evil), & 4) I could not STAND the MC, whose naïveté often strayed into stupid. ★★☆☆☆.

Poisoned | Jennifer Donnelly
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I love a good fairy tall retelling and Jennifer Donnelly never disappoints!!!!

Poisoned | Jennifer Donnelly
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#currentlyreading | this is the companion to probably the best book I‘ve read in 2020 (so far). Can‘t wait!!!

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Poisoned | Jennifer Donnelly
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I liked the short, snappy chapters and fact that the overall message is a positive one, but the story itself wasn‘t to my tastes. “Posioned” was a 2 star read for me, but I‘d still recommend it for fantasy fans, or someone who enjoys fairy tale retellings.

My full review is up on my blog now 📚

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Poisoned | Jennifer Donnelly
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"?????'? ?? ??????? ?????? ?? ??? ????? ????? ???? ????. ??'? ????????? ??????? ??'? ????????."⁣

Not the Snow White you remember from childhood. A bit darker -- more Grimm's than Disney. The magic & love are still there but some science & politics are added in to bring this nostalgic tale into the 21st century. A quick read that's hard to put down. Definitely recommend!

Poisoned | Jennifer Donnelly
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The Snow White retelling you've been waiting for...

Jennifer Donnelly has got fairytale retellings on lock. I loved this...absolutely fantastic...I do believe I liked this one more than Stepsister even. It was the perfect blend of fantasy, darkness, badassness, and heart...so much heart in this one.

Charityann So excited to read this one! I love everything Jennifer Donnelly writes. 😊 4y
AudiobookingWithLeah @Charityann you won't be disappointed! 4y
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Poisoned | Jennifer Donnelly
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I love to make aesthetic boards and this Snow White board is one of my favorites. I was so happy with the pictures I found for it!

Speaking of Snow White, Jennifer Donnelly‘s retelling is coming out in just one week! I‘ve been looking forward to her new book for quite some time!

Are you excited about Poisoned, too?

cathysaid I‘m going to guess I‘m one of the few that didn‘t know about aesthetic boards. So of course I googled and this is so cool ❤️ 4y
Eggs Beautiful 4y
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Poisoned | Jennifer Donnelly

I have always loved the tale of Snow White so was desperate to read a different take on it and it didn't disappoint.
Sophie as per the fairytale story is slain by the huntsmen on her stepmother's command.
But Sophie wakes up with a clockwork heart fashioned by the kindly dwarves.
The only snag is that this heart has a limited time to run so every beat could be her last.
Refreshng take on a classic tale turning it into a dark fantasy.

Poisoned | Jennifer Donnelly
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Looks like she is making this into a series!! As she did one called Stepsister last year


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