Then I must be part of the cultural elite, because I was not aware of this.
Then I must be part of the cultural elite, because I was not aware of this.
I think this about sums up turtle man #moscowmitch.
Background in case you don‘t know who Matt Jones is—he‘s a Kentuckian who started Ky Sports Radio, had his own show for awhile, & considered running for McConnell‘s Senate seat. He‘s funny & a very popular sports guy but also used to be a lawyer (which I learned in this book). This is a well-researched book about McConnell and Ky. Matt & a friend travel through all 120 counties of Ky (yes, we have so many, I forget about some of them), talking 👇
I found myself laughing out loud several times (and not just from Tomlin‘s snide footnotes). Being a native Kentuckian, I understand Matt‘s love for this state. But the fact that we continue to elect this man over and over when no one really likes him baffles me. But, as Matt says over and over in this book, it often comes down to guns and babies.
I do recommend Matt‘s 120 County tour - lots of fun had along the way!
The authors traveled throughout the state to 150 counties to talk to folx about Mitch. Even Republicans admit that he is good for nothing! Vote #moscowmitch out. Nothing in the Senate will ever change until he is gone and a good person replaces him.
Book Review for Mitch, Please!: How Mitch McConnell Sold Out Kentucky (and America, Too)
#kentucky #mitchmcconnell #mitchplease #mattjones #kysenaterace #athinsliceofanxiety #bookreview #blogpost #wildcats