Patience is the key thing to remember for this book.
I just finished Wall of Silence by Tracy Buchanan.
Though it was a constant page turner, I ached to know who stabbed Patrick, the dad. As the story progressed with minimal mention of Joel, i was confused on why he was apart of the story at all, but the ending. JUST THE TWISTS AND TURNS.
I cried when I found out what happened to Joel. I cried thinking of the kids REMEMBERING. Just… if you have the patience, give it a read.
#bookreview #review
“Life is just a roller coaster of shit and we need to hold on tight as we ride it.” - page 243
#life #quote #relatable
30% through the book and I‘m still not sure which one did it 😅 off to chill outside, 🍃🔥💨 & listen/follow along #wallofsilence #crime #whodidit
What an ending? My bestie friend let me borrow this book, and so glad she did! If you love mysteries, you need to read this one. You want believe the ending. I never saw it coming. If you read one book this year, make it this one.
Jui-cy! This book was full of twists, and once things heated up I was gasping out loud and couldn‘t put it down. I was more than a little annoyed with Melissa though. She was just so naive and pretty slow on the uptake once things started to unfold. I just wanted to shake her, like ‘think woman!‘. I also wish we got to learn a little bit more about Ruby and their early life before the Byatts, but that bothered me less. Overall ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️