Is it appropriate to make this my out of office message for work? Yes? Okay, cool. ✌🏻
Is it appropriate to make this my out of office message for work? Yes? Okay, cool. ✌🏻
Trying to get some reading done and these ding dongs won‘t stop wrestling in the background. 😹 Also, this one is so unlike any other John Boyne I‘ve read, but I‘m really enjoying it so far. I feel like it‘s a book you can‘t really sit on for too long because each chapter blends in with the next and it‘s so unique and interesting. Maybe I need to go lock myself in my room with no distractions. #catsoflitsy
This book continues to blow me away ....loving the guest appearances @Kalalalatja @britt_brooke 🤫
I was SO looking forward to tagged book and the others from this #SmallHaul but alas not a SINGLE book was read 😔 Oh well, life!
I absolutely loved the idea of this book. Each chapter the names of people and places change, over a 2000 year time-frame. But you pick the story up right where you left off from the previous chapter, emphasizing that the story is the main character. Very creative and compelling. Another great book by John Boyne
Brilliant, glorious storytelling! Boyne has crafted an ancient, yet fresh novel with feeling and depth as the reader is transported across the globe and time. 🌏 ⏳
The format is very different, and it did take some getting used to for me in the beginning because I went in blind. If you need some hints about what's going on here checkout @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled 's review!
We are all one ♥️ So epic!!
Currently reading this under-the-radar book which was brought to my attention, well, here, of course! #blameitonlitsy or maybe in this case #thankstolitsy 😊 🎃
I couldn‘t resist an in person library visit 🥰
Took me almost 100 pages to figure this out, so here is your heads up:
The main character lives his life many times throughout history, beginning at 1 AD. The characters are the same, but have variations of names depending on time and place. The plot moves forward, as time moves forward.
Interesting book - quite original. Fascinating settings and good pace. Can‘t go wrong with John Boyne.
A joyous day. If only I had time to read this now.
HELL YES. The Goodreads gods have been shining down on me recently, I feel like I need to play the lotto or something 😍
A lesson to us all that good research is important. But if we put bad research information in our books, let it be this awesome 😂😂. I love Boyne‘s reaction to his mistake too.