The husband & I have been off this week, and instead of going to FL as originally planned, we've hunkered down and had the most relaxing, chill week ever - and three days left to go!! I've been reading up a storm and have completed 6 books so far this year. None of them were mind-blowing, but since it's the beginning of the year, they check off so many challenge prompts 😂 So here's the skinny (sorry for the hosts getting tagged multiple times!):
#Pantone2025 – Limpet Shell @lauredhel
#ReadtheUSA – Georgia
Manhunt: #FictionalTraveler @julieclair
#Roll100 #GottaCatchEmAll – Fluffy Book @PuddleJumper
#ReadtheUSA – Alaska
The Story of Doctor Dolittle: #DolittleDiscussion @Roary
#192025 – 1920!! @Librarybelle
#WickedWords – Survivors @AsYouWish
#GottaCatchEmAll – Character in the Medical Field @PuddleJumper
#WickedWords – Animals @AsYouWish
#GottaCatchEmAll – Dancing @PuddleJumper
River‘s End: #Roll100 #GottaCatchEmAll – Protective Character @PuddleJumper
#WickedWords – Rage @AsYouWish
#Pantone2025 – Cocoon #FourFoursin25 – Shiver River @lauredhel
#ReadtheUSA – Kentucky
#Pantone2025 – Yellow Jumper #FourFoursin25 – Random Fandom @lauredhel
All these books also went towards my goal for #JumpStart2025 to average 250/pgs a day (I'm actually way ahead!!!) @Lizpixie
And four of them count towards my #Read2025 goal of reading 100 books from my TBR @DieAReader
As well as my own challenges of #BookSpinBingo & #ISpyBingo 1w