I think I liked this book? It‘s certainly well written, but I can‘t really tell you what the plot was about. It covered a lot of different themes, which is saying something for such a short book.
I think I liked this book? It‘s certainly well written, but I can‘t really tell you what the plot was about. It covered a lot of different themes, which is saying something for such a short book.
Update: the September meeting for #ItsLit VBC has been moved from 9/17 to Friday, 9/24 5:30pm PT/8:30pm ET.
This month‘s selection is Want by Lynn Steger Strong (tagged).
Please let me know (and provide an email address) if you‘re interested in attending & being added to our Google calendar invite.
Here is the meeting link to join: https://meet.google.com/pon-hhjz-pgq
A lot of good quotes, but ultimately I can‘t say I enjoyed this read… it was relatable in its recapping of nearly every semi-woke, angsty, older-millennial-surviving-late-stage-capitalism-and-climate-crisis narrative voice but without any truly likable characters, engaging plot elements, resolution, or even comedic relief this one just left me feeling heavy and blah and anxious for it to end…
Our next pick for #ItsLit VBC- Want by Lynn Steger Strong. Meeting again on Friday, Sept 17th 5:30pm PT/8:30 ET
A short but powerful novel about what we desire. The narrator is a teacher and young mother of two, who along with her husband is about to declare bankruptcy. She thinks about her former best friend, and her wealthy parents who are still punishing her for choices she made when younger.
This slim book contains a lot. Motherhood, depression, bankruptcy, friendship, marriage, job stress: it could easily have been too much but I felt for the narrator, a woman in her thirties, making the best of it. She felt like a temporary friend to me and I loved spending some time with her. The ending was awesome, I felt happy for her.
What a surprise Meg! I have no doubt you chose two books I‘ll love since you mostly know so well! Thank you so much my friend ❤️❤️
Story of a woman/teacher/professor with pretty serious depression and her obsession with an old friend. I found the characters a little annoying and got tired of the angst. Which is to say, glad it wasn‘t too long or I would have bailed.
Nah, I‘m out. Read to halfway point and I‘m over it. Lots of spinning wheels. Nothing seems to happen, and I don‘t require a strong plot to like a book, but this didn‘t work for me. The majority of the protagonist‘s life is unhappy. Nothing traumatic happens in the part of the book that I read, yet this is one of the most uncomfortable books I‘ve ever read. I did appreciate the English teacher perspective and thought that was pretty spot on.
I enjoyed the quality of the writing, yet I found parts felt incomplete. There were characters presented that didn‘t add to the story. Told by Elizabeth, a high school teacher with a PhD, going through a financial crisis w her husband, 2 daughters, the relationship with Sasha who was a childhood friend takes so much of the story. Some great quotes; however, I expected some big revelation, but the ending was very bland.
"I wonder if any family, after too long trying and failing to love one another, can hear one another's words beyond all the ways that they fall short."
I can‘t stop thinking about this book. It starts with a high school best friendship. Through bits at the ends of chapters its dissolution is revealed. The chapters themselves cover so much. From the daily exhaustion of teaching & special relationships with students to financial insecurity & bankruptcy to mom life to marriage to friendship & back to the best friend. I know it sounds like a lot for 209 pages, but it is so well written. #bookhangover
At 11:33 PM local time on 11/1/20, I am finally done tinkering with my #bookspinbingo list and eagerly awaiting the draw!
“There was a time I thought that all language might contain something of value, but most of life is flat and boring and the things we say are too. Or maybe it‘s that most of life is so much stranger than language is able to make room for, so we say the same dead things and hope maybe the who and how of what is said can make it into what we mean.”
This is 1 of those books where I wonder who the audience is supposed 2 b & I wonder why books like this are written. The flashbacks about her friendship with Sasha r boring & don‘t add anything 2 the current timeline, which is more readable. There r characters that pop up at random times & u wonder why they weren‘t mentioned previously. I only finished it b/c it was short. I understand what the book was trying to do, but it failed 4 me. 2.5 stars
“I never knew if I was on their team or not. If I was, they would do anything, fight for me, defend me...If I wasn‘t, there was no end to what they‘d hurl at me just to win, record every error I‘d ever made but all in order, recorded and recast to show my failures in their clearest form. The worst part was always the not knowing.” Beautiful writing and observations make this short read impactful and insightful.
Despite what they say, I was completely attracted to this book based on the cover. This small book was a powerhouse - it is layered and relatable. Elizabeth has a PhD but teaches high school English and she and her husband are facing bankruptcy. The mother of two is exhausted, angry, and lost. This book explores the nature of relationships and the ways in which they morph over time. It's about expectations, disappointment, growth, and loss. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Another day at work.... another #bookhaul !!!!
I really can‘t be trusted.... That‘s what comes from working in a bookstore! 🤦♀️
This novel comes in at 224 pages but boy does this book pack a punch. Elizabeth is our narrator, she is 34, married with two daughters. She has a PhD but unhappy in her career. On top of this, she is filing for bankruptcy with her husband and they are just trying to make ends meat.
For my full review, please visit my blog at: http://obsessedbookaholic.com/2020/06/29/want-book-review/
Congratulations Helen! And thanks for this lovely giveaway! #nutsaboutbooks @squirrelbrain
1. I loved Writers & Lovers in print.... I really invested in the main character, she was relatable, flawed and brave... And Lily King‘s writing is awesome.
(Bonus pick is my favorite audio of the year, and a big thank you to you Helen, for putting Hot Milk on my radar 😘!)
2. Looking forward to the tagged book... sounds just my cuppa tea & #covercrush
5🌟Honest and relevant look at being a woman in the world today, a mother, a wife, a friend.
I was completely enraptured by this novel!
Strong takes us deep inside our narrator's inner thoughts and wants. With honesty and understanding of what its like to fall short, to want, to please people and be seen. Being pulled in all directions, working hard but never having enough money or time to do it all in todays busy world. Out July 7#bookreview