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Politics | - Aristotle
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Aristotle (384 - 322 BCE) has been referred to simply as The Philosopher, and Cicero called his literary style a river of gold. That said, Aristotle wrote primarily to teach his students at the Lyceum, so what remains of his writing are not highly polished tracts meant for wide readership. Thus Aristotle's Politics, which is a philosophical exploration of the ideal political community, reads like a series of jumbled lecture notes: scholars cannot agree which book goes where, or whether or not some of it was lost. He traveled widely, cataloguing every possible permutation of human governance from democracy to tyranny. The eight books in Politics, however tedious and complex, have central themes: that a state has a nature that is definable and knowable, and that the role of citizens cannot be determined without this knowledge. Also important is the role which political life plays in the development of the citizens of a state.
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Politics | Aristotle
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I‘ve been working at the City on the Mayoral election. In the town where Bernie Sanders won the 1981 election by 10 votes, Max, a Progressive, just lost by only 129 votes. It was a 3-way race against a Dem incumbent -a developer. Personally I was really sad to see Max lose but all the progressive ballot issues passed and he will remain the President of the Council. This is the last of 3 big elections for me and soon I‘ll have time to read again!

The_Penniless_Author Oh wow, I didn't know you were involved in Burlington politics. We had some crazy close votes here as well. The incumbent chair of our selectboard lost by just four votes, and the evergreen question of whether to merge the Village and Town failed again by only 17 votes! 4y
AmyG Max is my daughter‘s friend. She hated going anywhere public with him because everyone knows him and would stop him to talk. 🤣He is young and will run again....and hopefully win. My husband became mayor of our town (years ago)...he won by 13 votes. (edited) 4y
Suet624 @The_Penniless_Author Oh! Are you in Essex? How funny. Did you see that in Rutland they had a tie for a selectboard position? 4y
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Suet624 @AmyG I just feel as though ranked choice voting is the only way an election should be held. Otherwise you get stuck with only a two party system. Also, the current Mayor vetoed ranked choice voting for mayoral elections but is allowing the option for city council positions. He knows which side his bread is buttered. 4y
AmyG I agree with ranked choice voting. We were talking about this last night at dinner. Max will run again. We all think some day...he will be Mayor. 4y
Suet624 @AmyG fingers crossed. He‘s a good man. 4y
The_Penniless_Author @Suet624 I did see that. It's crazy how close these contests were all across the state. Wonder if that will encourage greater turnout next go around. 4y
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Politics | - Aristotle
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I‘m getting a little bit annoyed with Goodreads. They are allowing one-star reviews (even hundreds in a day) and saying it‘s not a violation-Must just be a coincidence it‘s from LGBT authors or discussions on immigration, etc..and it‘s always something like this “private” so you know it‘s a bot. They need to crack down on this crap

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Yes they do! I was just commenting with @GingerAntics about why GR can‘t keep better sortable categories, so you could easily track reading diverse authors....this is probably why, to prevent harassment! 4y
GingerAntics @Riveted_Reader_Melissa that could be something only each individual user can see for themselves. If GR doesn‘t want to crack down on this, they‘re never going to start tracking authors‘ genders, ethnicities, or LGBTQ+ status. I know Amazon has its issues, but they really need to step up here. 4y
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Politics | - Aristotle
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TrishB Our house for the last 48 hours, I said no more and then started it again. ☹️ 5y
Leftcoastzen I weep for both sides of the pond.😢 5y
Bookwomble @TrishB Same! For the next 5 years, any time somebody complains about *anything*, I'll be asking how they voted, and if it's Tory = 🤬! 5y
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Bookwomble @Leftcoastzen A time for tears, and a time for action ✊🏻 5y
Leftcoastzen Agreed !✊ 5y
Weaponxgirl Knew you‘d be feeling the same. I‘ve only just managed to be able to watch the news again 5y
Bookwomble @Weaponxgirl I definitely needed a palate-cleansing break from the news, too. 5y
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Politics | Aristotle
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I feel like brexit has used up all my emotions. Avoiding politics made my mental health so bad, so I‘m trying to embrace being involved - long term it‘s helping a lot but today I feel lonely and tired. My MP sent another dismissive letter today, and it took my whole lunch to even find the name of my councillor to contact.

I‘d love to connect with other littens feeling beaten down, and any recs of books to keep me fighting appreciated

suzisteffen Oh my gosh, it must be awful (it‘s also pretty depressing to live in the US right now, of course). I will say that reading history books about hopeless times and people DOING THINGS TOGETHER to change them helps me, but it can also just be so grim. That‘s when I read mysteries or romances that, you know, have reassuring endings. But ~ sympathies. It‘s a very tough time. 6y
suzisteffen Oh, & the first book I read post-2016 election that made me feel like we are gonna fight on was, interestingly, Alex Chee‘s 6y
Bookwomble I totally get your feeling. Brexit had left me exhausted and somewhat disillusioned by the political process, and what seems to me the path you isolationism and self destruction we seem to be on as a country. I still hope that "we shall overcome" though. The tagged book might help ? 6y
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Emilymdxn @Bookwomble @suzisteffen thank you so much for your solidarity and recommendations! Those books look amazing 6y
Amiable I‘m feeling like the state of American politics is beating the sense, hope and life out of me. I understand where you‘re coming from. 6y
Weaponxgirl I‘m with you! I‘m so exhausted by the whole thing and society as a whole right now. I‘ve been reading about pussy riot right now and I‘m finding them inspiring, if they can protest under putin then we can keep going knowing we aren‘t alone is how they‘ve made me feel. Got a few books on my radar if you fancy doing any buddy reads and feel free to just hit me up if you need to vent ect. 6y
Weaponxgirl @Bookwomble thanks for your recs as always 6y
Emilymdxn @Weaponxgirl always up for reading and sharing inspiration/education together. Consciousness raising 💪 I‘m so tired at this point, but also aware that I‘m so young and will have to fight for a lot more as I hope to be around for another 60-odd years and there‘ll be a lot of fights in that time, so I have to work hard on seeking out inspiration and optimism. Pussy riot is a great shout! I‘ll look into books about them 6y
Weaponxgirl Sorry, I‘m gonna spam you with books now. This is the one I just read and I got it for cheap on kindle 6y
Weaponxgirl I just got this one from the library today and is next up 6y
Weaponxgirl I haven‘t read this one yet, but it sounds like it would be good for the both of us . Remember taking care of yourself is just as important! You can‘t always look after others and not yourself 6y
Weaponxgirl And I read this one this year and it gave me stuff I can do! It was hopeful 6y
Libby1 ❤️ 6y
AlaMich Fellow beaten-down human here in the US. It‘s all so relentlessly awful, it feels like it will never get better, but it has to, right? Right??? 6y
Emilymdxn @AlaMich solidarity 😘 this too must pass right 6y
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Politics | - Aristotle
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1. I didn't even know he was running lol
2. Harry Potter series
3. Zero, I killed my lucky bamboo, so that's how it's going.
4. Gym
5. Deer, snowshoe hares, birds, spiders, hornets, butterflies, gopher, wild turkeys, occasional coyote. As an aside I live near an elementary school in a neighborhood with lots of activity but have more wildlife every year.
@MinDea #humpdaypost

Politics | - Aristotle
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"For two principles are characteristic of democracy, the government of the majority and freedom. Men think that what is just is equal; . . . men should not think it slavery to live according to the rule of the constitution; for it is there salvation."