This is a very interesting analysis of bigotry focusing on the various ways white people have been bigoted towards white peoples.
This is a very interesting analysis of bigotry focusing on the various ways white people have been bigoted towards white peoples.
An interesting read, especially in the light of immigration and the constant need for superiority and othering (brought to mind The Origin of Others by Toni Morrison as a companion read). Multiple listens required to retain it all better.
“President Clinton closed his remarks in 2000 with an unequivocal statement: ‘in genetic terms all human beings, regardless of race, are more than 99.9 percent the same. What that means is that modern science has confirmed what we first learned from ancient faiths. The most important fact of life on this earth is our common humanity.‘”
Born Malcolm Little, Malcolm X joined the Nation of Islam in 1952- “Members of the NOI exchanged their “slave names” for “X,” which stood for the loss of their unknown African families and names.” - I‘m shook. This is so powerful.
“What we can see depends heavily on what our culture has trained us to look for.”
Wow! Such a thorough exploration of whiteness. If you‘re interested in social justice and better understanding race, this is a great one to pick up. Not an easy read but so rewarding. Not a dry book but very detailed and thought provoking.
Learning so much as I work my way through this one! As I continue to add to the social justice books I‘m focusing on reading, I think this has been a great book to start with.
TFW you make it halfway through a book but it takes forever and it's due back at the library but you really want to finish it soooooo....Chapter 14. Will resume later.
#readathon totals:
-9 completed books
-1 half-finished book
- 1,839 pages
-many snacks
-0 chores
The History of White People is the only one I didn't finish. There were a few others that I didn't get to, but overall, it was a great success!
A masterwork mapping the concept of "Caucasian" from its Greek roots, through the European "scholars" fetishizing skulls (you THINK I'm making this up), through the scholars and scientists working to debunk "race" as a category with any root in biology Some of the best parts are a TAD America-centric, but I can SO forgive that. Read to truly understand why Coates refers to "the people who must believe they are white." Good narrator on audio, too.
Luke: "Ultimately, I believe in preservation through transformation - that's a quote from 'The New Jim Crow'. That book got me reading. When I was young I was stupid and ignorant. Now I'm still young but I try my best to not be ignorant."