Empowering, informative and actually funny! Not rocket science, but good advice and call to action about making a stand, against big and little things.
I have a lot of respect for this MP, she is also a very good communicator.
Empowering, informative and actually funny! Not rocket science, but good advice and call to action about making a stand, against big and little things.
I have a lot of respect for this MP, she is also a very good communicator.
These seemed to appeal most to me this morning. I don‘t know whether I need Jess Phillips today or I may need her more on Friday.
I‘ll be train travelling on Friday for my sons masters degree graduation, I have no idea how we‘re all going to be feeling so it will either be a splendid day or not. Won‘t forget this graduation!!
This last few weeks has been so busy! I‘ve had so many things in my calendar that I can‘t get my head around what I‘ve done, what I need to do and how to even start. I‘m taking the first step by procrastinating, reading and drinking tea. This is by far the most exciting thing that I have on my list so far!
Another one of Jess Phillips‘ talk tonight at Birmingham Literature Festival, with Helen Pankhurst. You can just about see us at the top, way up in the heights! The talk was brilliant!
Jess Phillips was just brilliant tonight! She was joined by Helen Pankhurst, which was a lovely surprise! Fantastic MP and great speaker. #JessPhillipsForPM
These words were written by Daphne Caruana Galizia, a Maltese journalist who spent her entire career uncovering wrong-doing by the Maltese government, including tax evasion, off shore financial corruption and selling of passports to businessmen who wanted to gain access to the EU. Caruana Galizia was one of the people who broke this global scandal.
I‘m really excited to start this, as I‘ve got tickets to see Jess Phillips speak tomorrow at Birmingham Literature Festival. I‘m really looking forward to it! Also to seeing Clementine Ford tonight speaking about toxic masculinity and ‘Boys will be Boys‘ culture.