Good book for starting school and addressing questions the students may have
Good book for starting school and addressing questions the students may have
Students can read this book and identify a time that they were scared. Depending on age level, students could write or draw this experience and explain in their own words why they felt that way. They could then explain how they overcame that fear.
Week 2: Picture Books. Such a funny book! Student would find it very entertaining to read this book in free time. Helps identify emotions too. Published July 2, 2019.
I love this picture book! It was actually gifted to me by my kindergarten mentor teacher. I think this is a very important story for children coming to school for the first time and how it is totally normal experience to feel anxious. But there is so much more to be excited about!
Mo Willems and his pigeon again don‘t disappoint. Any one who loves the pigeon books will love this book. I love how the pigeon has a ton of the “normal” fears and anxieties about going to school. This would make a great read aloud.
A pretty relatable photo during these trying pandemic times!!! Listed as a New York Times Best Seller, The Pigeon HAS to go to School! Written and illustrated by Mo Willems tells a humorous story of first day of school jitters we‘ve all experienced once or twice! I would use this fictional picture book to teach my students about how fears are relatable and can be overcome!
I‘m pretty sure that the Pigeon is my spirit animal.
The Pigeon HAS to go to School (F) by Mo Willems is about a Pigeon who really doesn‘t want to go to school. I think children will relate to this book and find it enjoyable to read. I would have a child who likes to present give a DR to the class. The UDL guideline I would use is 2.4 (have it printed in other languages that were used in my classroom) and the ESOL strategy I would use is number 20.
The Pigeon HAS to Go to School is a nonfiction (NF) book written and illustrated by Mo Willems. There‘s no awards for this book but I think it‘s such a cute children‘s book. It‘s about a pigeon who has so many fears about going to school but when he gets there, everyone is different in their own way. I thought it was so cute because when you first start school you have so many jitters and you‘re nervous, but in the end it‘s all going to be okay.
Someone had her very first outing with a friend today. They went to The Book Loft and G was thrilled to find a new Pigeon book. 😍