The flamboyant Wilde‘s purportedly last words. He was also reported to have asked for a glass of champagne - which he struggled to sip and then uttered: "I am dying as I lived: beyond my means."
#death #quotsynov17
The flamboyant Wilde‘s purportedly last words. He was also reported to have asked for a glass of champagne - which he struggled to sip and then uttered: "I am dying as I lived: beyond my means."
#death #quotsynov17
“Oh, men don‘t matter. With women it is different. We‘re good. Some of us are, at least. But we are positively getting elbowed into the corner. Our husbands would really forget our existence if we didn‘t nag at them from time to time, just to remind them that we have a perfect legal right to do so.”
Excerpt From: OSCAR, WILDE.