Yes!! One of my favorites from Greg Iles.. the author that sparked my passion for reading.
Yes!! One of my favorites from Greg Iles.. the author that sparked my passion for reading.
“Oh, men don‘t matter. With women it is different. We‘re good. Some of us are, at least. But we are positively getting elbowed into the corner. Our husbands would really forget our existence if we didn‘t nag at them from time to time, just to remind them that we have a perfect legal right to do so.”
Excerpt From: OSCAR, WILDE.
"To have faith is to lose your mind and to win God"
"Let me tell you something: from then until I left that prison, in every free moment I had, if I was not reading In the library, I was reading in my bunk. You couldn't have gotten me out of books with a wedge... In fact, up to then, I never had been so truly free in my life." Malcolm X
#rolemodel #inspired
Highlighter is the reader's best friend. 😉📖
Ah nostalgia, my sweet friend! This is the series that made me fall in love with reading back in high school! Also, those were the same days I used to skip school to go read at the library. Haha. #DownMemoryLane #StayInSchoolKids #BadDecisions #StoneBarringtonSeries #StuartWoods
"And so, a prediction, and my heartfelt wish for you: as you get older, your self will diminish and you will grow in love. YOU will gradually be replaced by LOVE."
#Inspired #BeautifulWords
"The extraordinary hides behind the camouflage of the ordinary. Assume nothing. "