Second book wasn‘t much better. I just don‘t feel much connection with characters and I got a bit confused at the end! It‘s all okay and typical YA fantasy but not in a particularly good way. It‘s off the shelf though! #BookSpinBingo
Second book wasn‘t much better. I just don‘t feel much connection with characters and I got a bit confused at the end! It‘s all okay and typical YA fantasy but not in a particularly good way. It‘s off the shelf though! #BookSpinBingo
“that‘s how relationships work – when one person is blind, the other must see for them. when one person struggles, the other must remain strong.“
I keep having to pause this audio book to write down quotes. While I love the main characters in this trilogy it's the secondary characters who keep breaking my heart...
I didn‘t enjoy this as much at the first. I felt there was some pacing issues. Definitely a slow start, but it did pick up towards the end. Also the indecisiveness of the characters, while understandable, got to be a bit trying. But I did enjoy it. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Snow Like Ashes was good. Interesting plot and nice world building, and of course a minor cliffhanger... So onto the next one. 😊
Ugh. I had to switch to the audiobook because I could t get into the physical book. That didn't help. This book was slow and so full of angsty love triangle thoughts. And why was Mather's POV included? I found it annoying and out of place. 🙄
Don't you guys love #bookmaps?? I absolutely do!
Finished this one! Wasn't as good as 'Snow like fire'. I had the feeling that not much was going on and the ending was a bit chaotic. Still love the world building and Mather by the way!
Currently reading this beauty! 😍
Today has been a kick ass girls day. Now onto some Japanese and Victorian Shadowhunters.
3/5⭐️Kinda good, kinda predictable. Read in December 2016
I absolutely love this author. This whole book is perfect to me with the romance and magic and politics and betrayal...I am moving the conclusion up in my TBR
The first book was one of the best books I've ever read so I am beyond excited to keep reading this series.
Momentaner Lesestoff ? Teil 1 hat mich umgehauen. Band 2 ist für mich etwas schwächer. Mal schauen was noch so passiert ? #german #fantasy #cbt #sararaasch #jahreszeiten
Book 2 of the "Snow Like Ashes" series is fast paced and greatly expands the world of the first book. Meira is now queen and has a hell of a lot of pressure on her, so much that she tries to become what others want her to be. The book is also told from not only Meira's first person voice, but also Mather's 3rd pov- this made me like him a lot more & relate to him more than just "the best friend." The addition of the badassCeridwen is awesome too!
Currently reading, literally in a blizzard. It just seems right. 📖❄️🤓
#letterI for #litsyAtoZ challenge- absolutely loved this book and so need to go out and get the next one ASAP
Honestly, the whole journey they took, getting to see more of the world made this book so amazing. I love all the development, both of characters and the storyline and I absolutely CANNOT wait for the next book.
Also, can we talk about how absolutely chaotic and insane that ending was?! I'm sitting here in shock, barely able to formulate thoughts properly.
It was annoyingly obvious what was going on that the main character just couldn't figure out. ending was very predictable up until the last page. it just kind of cut out without finishing. I get that she's setting up for the next story, but I would have at least liked some semblance of an ending.
Gah. It's so painfully obvious that *possible spoiler* is a bad guy. I'm starting to get frustrated with how dumb Meria is for not recognizing it. 😠
Definitely has second book syndrome (slower, less action, more politics) but still well worth the time. And I'm convinced the next book will be spectacular based on 1 and 2!
I've been sitting on this book since October and still haven't picked it up. I think the "mixed" review I've read have been keeping me away. Thoughts?
The first book was so-so and I am nervous to start this one.
The fast paced sequel to Snow like Ashes, this book goes in all the right directions! Read this for magic, adventure and a thoroughly engrossing read! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 stars.