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Blackout | Marc Elsberg
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Blackout | Marc Elsberg
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Started this book yesterday. A European wide blackout caused by black hat hackers.
The whole scenario sounds familiar with last winters warnings about blackouts due to gas shortages. And also the ransomware catastrophe in a German town administration in 2021.
I hope I can still sleep tonight! 😅

IndoorDame Awwww😻😻😻😻 14mo
dabbe Oh, you sweet, sleepy kitty! 🖤🐾🖤 14mo
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Blackout | Marc Elsberg
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Knocked a bunch of titles off my TBR 🥳🙌🏻💕📚
Thanks for hosting this fun monthly challenge @TheAromaofBooks ❤️

squirrelbrain Woah - you‘re just too good! 4y
Sace Wow! 👏👏👏 4y
Cinfhen I did bail on one ( The Toni Morrison) and I put two into #hibernation 🐻 @squirrelbrain but otherwise I read 22 books 😄🙏🏻 4y
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Josee.lit.a.lu.et.lira 😮 🙋🏻‍♀️ How can you/How do you read so much? It‘s a real question 🙂 Bravo 🤗 4y
Cinfhen Well, when you‘re an almost empty nester, who‘s unemployed @Josee.a.lu.lit.et.lira there‘s A LOT of downtime 😉😂🙄 4y
TheAromaofBooks I love seeing boards like this!!!! 4y
candority Incredible! 👏 4y
TheLudicReader That‘s impressive. 4y
Megabooks 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻💖💖 4y
Suet624 Amazing! 4y
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Blackout | Marc Elsberg
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This book had me hooked from page one. I had never really thought of how scary it would be to lose power throughout an entire Nation. This book followed a few different story lines, an American journalist, an A class hacker, power plant workers, the milatary, along with others! It showed the impact on everyone within the communities throughout all of Europe. I would highly recommend this book to anyone that comes across it! 😊
4/5 ⭐🌟⭐🌟

Buechersuechtling Yepp, I agree. I remember it very well and felt the same when I read it. A book you never really forget. 5y
michellelav @Buechersuechtling This book will definitely be staying with me. The author did an amazing job of bringing the story to life! 5y
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Blackout | Marc Elsberg
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To bail, or not to bail?!

This book might be interesting. I do get the techy stuff, but it's soooo boring to read. The story is jumping from one point to another - there is certainly a reason for that and it'll make sense further down the road. Just right now, it feels like a hacker movie in very slow motion: "I can see the pixels of every frame"-slow.

CouronneDhiver Run away... more books where that came from. 🤪 6y
Trashcanman Hey you! Happy birthday! 😊 6y
julesG @Trashcanman Who? Me? I had my B-day in March. 😉 6y
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julesG @CouronneDhiver Will do! Just sorry to disappoint my friend who recommended/gave it to me. 6y
Trashcanman @julesG well shit! I saw you wish a happy birthday and read it incorrectly. Happy belated lmao 😂 6y
julesG @Trashcanman Thank you! 6y
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Blackout | Marc Elsberg
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My daughter can be such a darling. "You went grocery shopping and made lunch, now you go and read. Here, some ice cream to go with your book." ???

It fits, the book is set in winter, when we all depend on electricity for light and heating.

MidnightBookGirl You have a great kid (and good taste in ice cream)! 6y
ladym30 Love the owl! 6y
Tanisha_A Super cute and thoughtful! 6y
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Blackout | Marc Elsberg
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Good Morning.

Taking a leaf out of @Heideschrampf's book, I made a nice breakfast for myself.

Started 'interval feasting', where I try not to eat anything for at least 16 hours each day. But that meant, breakfast after physiotherapy. I'm ravenous, PT was super intense.

This thriller is taking its time. It's still interesting, but a bit dragging.

Moony Oh, das Buch steht auch noch in meinem Regal. Wie laeuft es mit dem Intervallfasten? Ich hatte letztes Jahr Erfolge damit (sowohl beim Abnehmen als auch bei der Verbesserung der Werte) und jetzt habe ich Probleme wieder anzufangen. *seufz* 6y
julesG @Moony Wenn mir meine Kinder nicht dazwischen Funken, läuft es ganz gut. Abgenommen habe ich bisher 6kg in 3 Monaten. Das klingt jetzt wenig, im. Vergleich zu meiner Freundin, die mit Optifast 8kg in einem Monat runter hat. Aber ich soll langsam abnehmen, damit es den Körper nicht stresst. Und somit ist Intervallfasten für mich echt eine gute Alternative. Dazu möglichst die letzte Mahlzeit ohne KH. 6y
julesG @Moony Am schlimmsten sind die Wochentage, an denen ich wegen der Kinder schon 5.30 Uhr raus muss und ihr Frühstück vorbereiten muss. Da dann nichts zu essen, ist echt hart. 6y
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emilyhaldi My husband has been doing this diet for a few weeks and lives it!! It definitely seems to be working for him 👍🏻👍🏻 6y
Moony Ich finde 6 kg für 3 Monate gut! Ja das kann ich gut nachvollziehen. Bei den ersten Fastentagen bin ich um die Mittagszeit immer genervt gewesen und meine Kolleginnen konnten genau sagen, wann ich faste. 😂 6y
julesG @Moony Hangry! Bin ich dann immer morgens gegen 9. 6y
julesG @emilyhaldi It's not too difficult that's what I like about it 6y
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Blackout | Marc Elsberg
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A friend gave this to me. It's by an Austrian author and my friend even bought the English translation. ❤️

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Blackout | Marc Elsberg
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Check out my latest #bookreview at LaceyDoesLit.com! #books #bookworm #booknerd #bookish #reading #reader

Blackout | Marc Elsberg
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4⭐️. A terrifying but gripping electric outage disaster, one that is hard to forget. MARC ELSBERG has taken a complex multifaceted scenario and woven a thought-provoking tale of our dependence on software and the electric grid for every day life. https://lharvey250.tumblr.com/post/161261459949/blackout-marc-elsberg-my-rating

Blackout | Marc Elsberg

Currently reading

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Blackout | Marc Elsberg
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I just finished Blackout by Marc Elsberg. I don't usually read about technical stuff but this one was good. Really good. It had this kinda connection to our reality and... I recommend it. Highly.

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Blackout | Marc Elsberg
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Next read! 😀

buchwuermer Viel Spaß damit 😊 7y
Carina_Books @buchwuermer Danke! 💜 7y
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Blackout | Marc Elsberg
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New #bookreview at www.theirregularreaderblog.wordpress.com! Blackout by Marc Elsberg is a gripping, realistic thiller about an attack on the international power grid!

Blackout | Marc Elsberg
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Translated from the German, this fast-paced thriller details a terrorist attack that feels horrifyingly possible! Best read with a flashlight handy... just in case!

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My photo skills aren't the best today but: I just finished Blackout! What a ride. It took me some time to dive into the story but what can I say? What a book! The research behind it is amazing and astonishing! At the beginning, I didn't think that I would finish it and now I can recommend it to anyone who's interested in learning sth about electricity and its consequences once it is gone.

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