Reading this before I put it out in the LFL - I am laughing so hard at the picture of The Pigeon. 😂
Reading this before I put it out in the LFL - I am laughing so hard at the picture of The Pigeon. 😂
#lae3414sp19 This TL written and illustrated by Mo Willems is a hilarious new take on a classic story. I couldn‘t help but laugh out loud when I read this book! This would make for a great storytelling! I‘m already laughing just thinking about one of my teachers portraying the suspicious laughter of the dinosaurs in the book.
Goldilocks and the Three Dinosaurs is a new take on the fairy-tale classic Goldilocks and the Three Bears, so funny and so original. This TL could be used as a DR and would be so fun! UDL 1.1 is a great way to customize the display of this text. ESOL 14 could be used if students seem to get flustered by pace. https://growingbookbybook.com/goldilocks-and-the-three-dinosaurs/ is a great activity to use. #LAE3414sp19
I love this part!
“If you ever find yourself in the wrong story, leave.”
Such a cute twist the author threw in to his new crazy story!
I love that the author incorporates things from his previous books!! The Pigeon from the pigeon drives the bus is featured on a few pages in this story!
Published in 2012 this modern fantasy book takes a new direction when a traditional story is thrown into a new story! When comparing this authors story to another story he has written, I notice the illustrations to be very similar and also very fun! In today‘s society, the fantasy elements of having dinosaurs living in a house was such a fun twist to the story! The author was also very clever in pointing out morals in the plot!
Clever, but this one felt a little forced. Mo Willems is funny, but this one felt like he was just winking at his audience a bit too much. Most of the other reviews vehemently disagree with me, but in my opinion, it‘s not his best.
Another awesome, witty Mo Willems book! Kids 4 and up enjoy it! #readaloud #kidsbooks #preschoolerapprovrf
I'm the mystery reader for my daughter's kindergarten class today. I'm taking my favorite Mo Willems book. This book rules!
Never before have I found such an accurate representation of myself in children's literature.
The joke-density of this particular children's book comes in on the level of Neutron Star; which is to say, the visual and written gags contained herein make it almost impossible for any grown up to read out loud without collapsing into a pile of giggles and snorts. Oh, and little kids will like it too. Because dinosaurs.
It's as simple as that 😀
I love Mo Willems. He makes stories that even I look forward to reading to my sons at bed time over and over!